Chapter 24 Marie Stone✔️

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I wanted to do a brief recap for those who skipped Chapter 23.

John Stevens attacked Sky, and as he was getting ready to drug her, Marvin burst into the room. Sky uses the momentary distraction to stab John with a letter opener she has hidden on her. Telling him that she refuses to be another one of his victims.

As they all struggle, Marvin is temporarily knocked unconscious, and John continues to try to stop Sky from leaving. He grabs her leg, causing her to fall and hit her head. Before she loses consciousness, she believes she sees Marvin get up with a large object in his hand and move towards John, and she hears him repeat her previous statement that she is no one's victim.


This chapter will be a sort of flashback chapter, but instead of our usual MCs, it will be the story of Marie, Sky's mother.

I wanted to add this chapter so that Marie's (tragic) story could be told.

If you all have read PROTECT ME  and paid attention to this story so far, then you know that Marie's ending isn't a happy one.


"I don't know Marie; there is just something about him."

"Oh, please, Donna, like all of the guys you go out with are such winners." I say, sliding the back onto my earring, rolling my eyes at her in the reflective surface of the vanity.

"Just promise you will be careful." She finally resolves, sighing heavily.

"Aren't I always?" I laugh, patting her hands that she had laid on my shoulder.


Why is he so late? He said he would be here.

I am used to guys asking me out on dates. I know I am pretty, but I think it has more to do with my personality than my looks.

I am someone who can get along with and fit in with anyone; despite my upbringing, I'm not one of those girls who is obsessed with what my parents money can buy me.

I am more impressed by how a guy treats me before he discovers that my parents are insanely wealthy.

And I have been raised to know that there are things far more important than lavish gifts or trivial monetary luxuries.

I pull my sweater tighter around me to block out some of the cold.

The cold November air burns my cheeks as I waited for Johnny outside the theater.

I am almost ready to give up and go home when I finally see his car pull up to the curb.

We have been out a couple of times now, and he has always been the perfect gentleman. I'm not sure why Donna is so insistent that he is sketchy.

"Marie." He says hopping out and rounding the side of the car with a smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late, business." He says shaking his head.

It is nice to see a young man so motivated to succeed. I don't know exactly what he does, but I know it is something really important.

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