Chapter 26 Escape✔️

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We are getting close to the end of our story! And honestly... I'm not quite sure how I feel about that...


I wake up in my old room once again.

If it weren't for the fact that I and Marvin, who sits at the foot of my bed, are still covered in fresh blood, I would say that it was all just another horrible hallucination. Just another drug-induced nightmare that I have had at the hands of John Stevens.

But the blood tells me otherwise.

Also, my head is pounding!

"Why did you move me?" I am still groggy.

"Because you didn't need to wake up and see that." He says as if it is the most obvious answer in the world.

A thought occurs to me.

"Where are the others? Why didn't they come in when..."

"Shh..." he says putting a finger to his lips.

I can now hear their movements as they enter the house.

"You have to get out of here." He says looking at me with frightened eyes. "Like out."

"But how? I can't even get out of the house." I say my voice is low but frantic.

"You can go through the den, go out the bedroom door, to the left, out the back door, and head straight for the woods. Don't stop until you reach someone, anyone, for help."

"How am I supposed to even get out of the house? If they see me, they will kill me." I say my eyes widening as I hear their voices growing closer.

I can hear them screaming and cursing about John.

Now, not only have they found him, but I can tell from what I overhear that they know it was either me or Marvin who killed him; who else would it be.

Honestly, it doesn't matter to them which it is—me, him, or both. They were just itching for any excuse in the world to get rid of the two of us. And what better reason than what we did. We just gave them all the reasons they needed.

It wasn't like it wasn't well deserved, but reasoning with madmen isn't exactly logical.

I am sure John's attempt to rape his own daughter didn't constitute murder in their eyes.

Especially not with the things I had heard them say about me themselves.

I think back to what Marvin said. Or what I thought he said.

"Is it true?" I whisper, needing to know, regardless of what happens.
If it is true and they kill me, at least I will know the truth. If I make it out or not and don't ask, chances are I will never know.


If it is, and if I make it out of here alive...

"I'm sorry, sweetpea." He whispers back, his voice more sincere than I have ever heard it before.

I shudder thinking about the fact that that bastard lying dead down the hallway was my father.

That makes the whole messed-up situation so much worse. And not just with him but also with my mother.

"Skylar, pay attention." Marvin says quite literally shaking me from my thoughts.
"You have to move."

"But they are coming." I say stating the obvious.

"If you are quick and quiet, you can slip out and hide in the living room until they get past. I'll do my best to keep them distracted until you have time to get out the side door. But Sky?"


"You have to go. Now!" He says shoving me forward.

I don't look back at him as I move quickly out the bedroom door, into the hall, and make my way to the living room just as they do.


Before I have a chance to even attempt to hide, they are coming after me.

As I look around, trying to find my best route of escape, Marvin bursts out of the room, coming straight for them.

No weapon, and clearly outnumbered, he attacks them.

The sound of shots, screams, and the smell of blood fill the air as I remain frozen, unsure of how to get past.

As the three of them continue to attack him, he screams for me to run.

That is the only thing I can clearly make out. Is his voice telling me to run.

"Run Sky! Now!"

And that is exactly what I do. 

I scramble to my feet, heading towards the side door, forgetting what he said before and going the way I remember best, the way I had planned to go early... before...

I rush out into the cool air.

And head straight for the woods.


I run until I can hear the sound of weak footsteps behind me.

Then I attempt to hide; my mind is racing.

I'm sure it is Tank, Stanley, or Rich, one if not all of them behind me, but from my small hidden spot, who I see takes me off guard.

It's Marvin.

I don't know how he made it from the house or how he was able to catch up to me, but I can see immediately that he is in a terrible state.

Bleeding profusely from several stab wounds and what I assume are bullet wounds, he stumbles towards me, growing more pale and clearly weaker with each step. 

I stand up, going towards him as he weakly reaches out to me.

I grab ahold of him just as his legs fold, no longer able to support his weight.

I help him to the ground, laying him on his back, still listening for any sounds of the others behind us.


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