Chapter 3 News from Maddox✔️

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We couldn't have asked for the weekend to have gone any better. Aside from the guys little pissing match in the car on the way there, everything was great. Especially after reading the note from Noah and Ryland, giving us the gentle reminder that we are all in this together.

The three of them-Noah Ryland, Maddox, and I-have each become an intricate part of our little makeshift family over the last three years.

So much so that River named his son after Ryland, and we are all grateful for them to be a part of this new family of ours.

It has been a wonderful and surprisingly eye opening experience for all of us. Talking to the students and even the faculty, hearing some of their own experiences and sharing ours with them.

Hearing the stories of how some of them were afraid, even to go out with friends, because of all of the unknowns they could possibly face. In my previously very sheltered life, I didn't even know that trafficking existed outside of movie screens, and I relayed that to them.

I think that, in a weird way, it gave them a bit of reassurance that they were at least aware of the dangers. And we were able to provide them with resources if they were to need them, along with other commonly overlooked things to be aware of, while also letting them know that while it was a very real, very serious problem, they didn't have to live in fear. That their knowledge was power in these situations.

The whole experience left us all feeling like we truly were making some small difference, and that is a terrific feeling to have and a good reminder that the efforts we are making really do matter, and it gave us a renewed drive moving forward.

But we are all ready to get back home to Virginia.

River, especially, is ready to get back home to his wife and son.

We pull up to the house on a high, all laughing and joking, the conversation flowing as easily as it always has, particularly when maps aren't involved.

"Something is wrong." River says his mood is suddenly taking a sharp turn.

"What?" I ask from the backseat, leaning forward to get a better view out the windshield.
"Wait, is that...?"

"Maddox." Drew answers for me.

"If he is here, then something must be wrong." River says as Drew brings the car to a stop, headlights shining directly on Maddox's face.

He is right. For Maddox to show up unannounced in the middle of the night, something has to be seriously wrong.

I know that there is a planned court appearance for the four of them scheduled for tomorrow morning.

One of the victims families has filed some kind of charges against them, separate from what the state has already charged and convicted them of, which is honestly good for them. I hope that they get everything they asked for and then some. I can't help but wonder if maybe that has something to do with Maddox showing up here, but it still doesn't make sense as to why he wouldn't just call. That is the way he has always done things before. The only time he comes out is if it is planned, he is invited to something we are doing, or something big is going on, so his presence makes me extremely nervous.

River starts to jump out, and Drew reaches over and grabs his arm, stopping him.

"Listen, no matter what it is, we have to stay calm. We are in this together, agreed?"

"Agreed." River responds as Drew lets go of his arm.

Drew turns, looking at me as I nod my head. My pulse is quickening.

The three of us exit the car, and together we approach Maddox.

With each step, the closer we get, the more his controlled yet worried expression comes into view.

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