Chapter 27 Laid To Rest ✔️

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This chapter will be fairly long.

I thought of breaking it down into subchapters but ultimately decided against it and to condense it into one instead.

It does bounce a lot at first as our group becomes reunited again, but it shouldn't be hard to follow.



Covered in blood, I stand here, looking down at Marvin, who is in a crumpled heap at my feet.

Standing above him in his current condition, it is hard to imagine the horrible things he has done or that anyone would ever have a reason to be afraid of him.

So many thoughts and feelings are running through my head that he reaches his hand up to me, weakly motioning for me to lean down.

I kneel beside him and listen as his voice, which is barely audible, strains to form words.
His throat is filled with blood; he chokes, coughing, and blood pours from his mouth.

He grabs my hand, weakly holding it.

"Sky, I- I am sorry for everything. I can't make it okay; I can't take it back, but I would. You are so much like your mother. She would be so proud of you; I know I am." He says each word softer and more strained than the last. He stares at me, a weak smile on his face, saying one last word before his eyes flutter shut.

But I am more taken aback by the way he says 'mother'. He isn't talking about Linda. He means my real mother, Marie.

Part of me wishes in this instant that I would have asked him more about her.

His hand falls from mine as an unsuspected tear slips down my cheek.

I hastily wipe it away with the back of my hand.

I can hear a faint noise behind me, and I can only assume that it is the others coming after me.

I pick myself up from the ground and do what he said, his last word to me, run.

In the dense woods, I have no idea what direction to head or what I will find, but I know that if I don't move now, my fate will be the same as his.

I will my bare and already aching feet to propel me forward.

And run!



"I have no idea why we never thought of the old house before." River says, shaking his head as we race towards the state border, towards where we now know Sky is being held.

"Because we all thought they burned the place." I answer, my hand white-knuckling the steering wheel.

"I don't know who elected you to drive, Drew, but if you don't slow down, we are going to need someone to rescue us." Maddox says this from the back seat while he holds onto the back of River's headrest.

"Are Noah and Ryland still behind us?" I ask, glancing briefly in my rearview as I switch lanes.

I hadn't seen them for a couple of miles, and I am in no mood to slow down and wait.

Now that we know where Skylar is, there is no way that I am waiting for anyone.

"They are back there somewhere, I assume. Dammit man!" Maddox says looking back, before nearly toppling over in the seat as I switch lanes again.

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