Chapter 8 Good Girl, Naughty Boy✔️

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Just a heads up this chapter is split into two parts and is our first chapter with a flashback! (there will be several of them)

The first part is from Sky's POV (partial flashback) and the second part is... well I'll let you see for yourself.

Keep in mind Sky's timeline is skewed. The bold print at the top of her parts relay and accurate time, not what she says. Her perception of time is way off.

Ok, so I think we have all earned a good smut chapter by now, right?

Eight chapters in is more than respectable, right?... And besides we have been dealing with some heavy shit up until this point, so....


8 Days Gone




Five days...

That is how long it has been.


How long I have been here...

Away from Drew


Away from River


Away from my family.

John has kept me in this small,dark, musty room the entire time.

I have only been able to keep track of the days thanks to the wristwatch that he wears.

It is one of those fancy, old-school kinds that has the day and month on it, along with the time, that you set yourself.

I noticed it the first time he came in, and I have been paying careful attention every time he comes back.

Getting close enough to see it without getting close enough for him to become suspicious.

I haven't eaten, aside from a slice of bread that he brought me on the third day.

My stomach aches with hunger pangs.

He does allow me to drink water. His reasoning for that is that I need to stay hydrated, but I can also stand to lose a few pounds.

Not that it will matter much if he lets me starve to death.

He hasn't injected me with anything, not since that day when I first woke up, and then he only did it to keep me quiet.

Seeing the man who had pretended to be my father for nineteen years was a shock, to say the least. And I was almost grateful for the drugs just so I could escape it temporarily.

I have no idea how he has escaped or what his part in all of this is, but I don't think he was none too thrilled with my reaction to seeing him.

I am not really sure what it was that he expected. A hug, a 'good to see you, how have you been'?

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