Chapter 17 Comfronting The Past - Pt2 Drew and River✔️

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Trigger warning for this chapter, brief mention of Rape. No details, only a mention of it at the very end.
Literally the last couple lines.


This chapter will be split between Drew and River.

This chapter will be their visit to Holsun Prison.


"I can't believe we are actually doing this." River says as we stand outside the doors to the prison.

"Honestly? Neither can I, but..."

River nods, knowing what I will say.

For Sky, we will do anything.

And confronting them again is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the lengths to which the two of us will go.

"You seem like something is on your mind." I remark, looking at him.

He nods his head towards the building. "Something is on my mind."

"I mean, besides the obvious."

"Fucked-up dreams, man." He says shaking his head.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Yeah. But later." He says as we walk in.
"Right now, we have far more important things to worry about."


As we sit here, staring at what is supposed to be our parents, I oddly feel nothing.

Maybe I have mentally made myself numb to just how strongly I despise each of them.

Notably absent, of course, from the group is Marvin.

Other than the fact that I know where his absence means that he is, I can't say that he is missed.

"Boys." My birthgiver croons, as if we were walking in for a friendly family visit. Her eyes light up as she looks at us. A vast change from her inability to even lift her head and do anything besides cry the last time she saw us.

She has aged at least ten years in the last five, since the last time we saw them. They all have, but the women look far older.

Serves them right. I guess when you are no longer able to hide your sins behind a thick veil of luxury items, makeup, and cosmetic surgery, it allows for the beautifully fake masks to be stripped away and the wicked ugliness to shine through.

"You two look so handsome." Barb says, and Linda shakes her head in agreement. George just sits silently, not even looking up. Much like the women did when we came here before, right after they were locked up.

"And you two look as if you have been rolling in shit the last five years." River says. "Sorry to disappoint, but this isn't a fucking social call."

I can't help but crack a smile, as I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

"Now that your fake motherly love is out of the way. Let's get down to the real reason that we are here." I sit down beside River. "Since you three are obviously model parental figures, why don't you tell us where John and Marvin have taken Sky?"

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