Chapter 18 Confronting The Past- Pt 3 Debbie✔️

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This will be a special chapter because it ties some things together and gives us a glimpse into Ms. Debbie's past.

I'm really protective of her character, and I feel strongly that her story needs to be told in full.


Ms. Debbie

I haven't thought about Porter Stevens in years, not really.

For a man I had killed and buried in my backyard, you would think he would be on my mind far more, but he isn't.

Truthfully, I rest better at night knowing there is one less evil person like him out in the world.

But ever since Sky was abducted, he has crossed my mind more than he ever has before.

Maybe it is because I am so worried about what she may possibly be going through.

I know the boys are going to the prison today.

And so my mind is racing. I prayed they would get some answers, and in the middle of anxiety cleaning, I realized that I unknowingly held a few more of my own.

Without even realizing it, I myself hold more pieces to the puzzle.

I didn't put two and two together for a long time.

It just never even crossed my mind; it was too far out there for there to be any merit to it, but I know now how wrong I was.

My momma used to tell us that the good Lord puts people into our lives for a reason. I can still hear her saying, "Some come as lessons, others as blessings, but always for a reason."

But now standing in my yard the cool night air blowing against my skin, I now know how true her words are. 


The infamous John Stevens was a half brother to Porter, the man I had shot and killed so many years before. The one still buried beneath my feet.


31 years ago

"I'll see you tomorrow." Patsy called to me as I walked out of the door of the diner.

I loved working at the diner. It gave me a sense of purpose outside the home, and it brought in a little extra money that I could use for my plants.

I had definitely inherited my mother's green thumb. Everything else I seemed to take back after dad.

Even though I had been married to Carl for three years and we were out on our own, he still drove it into my head that I should always be prepared to take care of myself.

He, unlike a lot of men in those days, wanted his daughters to be able to take care of themselves and defend themselves.

I wasn't really sure of his motivations, but I will be forever grateful for them.

I patted my side, where my pistol was discreetly tucked away in the waistband of my skirt.

I never felt unsafe walking home, even after dark. In this quiet little town tucked away in the mountains of Virginia, the scariest thing you usually have to worry about is some sort of wildlife coming out of the woods on you.

But that night, I felt differently.

I didn't say anything to Patsy or the others because I figured it was nothing.

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