Chapter 22 The Best Laid Plans✔️

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After taking a few silent moments of my own to think, I come to the realization that nothing I said actually registered with Marvin.

He shuts the door and walks out, leaving me feeling slightly defeated.

But I know that I have to shake it off, pull myself together, and start figuring shit out.

Maybe it was just too hard to believe that the man you had under your thumb for more than thirty years has every intention in the world of killing you off.

I don't know, but I can't waste any more time worrying about whether or not he believes anything I have said or if I was even able to plant so much as a seed of doubt in his mind when it comes to John.

I have to come up with some kind of plan to get out of here, or I know the only way I ever will— is dead.

John is still gone, at least as far as I know...

The three of his goons are still busy yelling obscenities at the players on TV, and Marvin is likely distracted...

Probably pondering my motives for the things I had said to him.


That means that I have an opening, an opportunity, and I have to take the risk.


If I can get out of the bedroom without getting noticed, then it shouldn't be too hard to get through the living room past the men.

The couch faces the TV with its back towards the hallway, so if I am quiet enough, I should be able to get through there without them being alerted.

Then I can get into the kitchen, duck down low behind the height of the counters.

Move across the floor, still being silent, towards the door that leads out onto the back porch.

If I can open the door, which isn't going to be easy without them noticing since it has a notably squeaky sound, like it needs some WD-40 put in the grooves, then I can get down the steps, across the backyard, and slip into the cover of the woods.

I can't remember which direction to go once in the woods to head towards town, but if I make it that far without being detected, it won't much matter.

I should have enough of a head start to make finding me difficult, and with any luck, not be able to at all.

If the woods that lay off to the left side of the house are anything like they used to be, they are so dense that, at least for several dozen yards at the front, it is impossible to get any kind of ATV or anything through, which means they would have no choice but to search for me on foot.

It will be a hard feat, but if I can just get out of the house, I will be able to manage it.

One thing I need is some kind of weapon.

I scan the room, trying to think back to my childhood days of what could possibly be in here that I could ever use as a weapon, something that would have gone untouched and unnoticed until now.

The Pepto pink decor and the five hundred musty stuffed animals are not viable options.

I move over to the corner of the room where  my desk is and roll back the top.

Praying that it is still there.

I open it up, and it is the first thing I see.

Covered in dust, laying on top of a stack of old envelopes. I grab it, hugging it tightly to my chest, thanking the Lord above that it is still here.

"It" is a long sterling silver letter opener that Linda gave me as a child.

I had wanted one so that I could be more like her and Marvin, opening important mail.

They would give me all of the junk mail that came in, and I would sit at my desk, carefully opening each piece. 

I tuck it safely within reach into my shorts.

I move back to the door, putting my ear to it and listening.

I wait for any sign of noise or movement, and when I don't hear anything, I place my hand on the knob.

I start by carefully opening the door, holding my breath as I do.

I quickly and quietly shut it back when I see Tank stand up from the couch.

I listen as his footsteps pass my room and enter the bathroom.

I listen to the sound of the toilet flushing and the door opening and closing.

Of course, he doesn't bother to take the time to wash his hands.

I give him enough time to settle back in front of the TV before trying again.

I hold my breath, listening once more as I ease the door open. 

Just as I peek out into the hallway, John appears.

He rushes toward me, taking me by surprise.

I somehow missed him coming in.

He must have come through exactly when Tank had and been waiting just outside my door.

He grabs me roughly by the shoulders, backing me back into the room.

My breath catches in my lungs, and I feel like I am being smothered. My heart races as he looks at me and grins.

"Where do you think you are going, my little Flower?"



I'm adding this warning here and also at the beginning of the next chapter.

Chapter 23 comes with a trigger warning.


Though the chapter ends much better than it begins, I wanted to be sure to add this for anyone who may be bothered by it. If you wish to skip, I will add a brief, non-descriptive recap at the beginning of chapter 24 so you don't miss any key story points.

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