Chapter 29 The End And The Beginning✔️

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This is the unofficial end to our story.

In this chapter, we will get to hear one last time from ALL of our MC's

Maddox, Noah, Ryland, Debbie, Darlene, River, Drew, & Sky.

The next chapter will serve as the story's epilogue and official end.

I hope you all have enjoyed taking this journey with me.

All of these characters have and will forever hold a special place in my heart.



I sit back, rubbing my hand over my stomach. It is stuffed full of good food, and my heart is full of the love that I share with the people around me.

We walk out into the back yard as Ryland goes running straight for the gigantic leaf pile under the big oak tree.

The rest of us stand around talking and laughing; everything that went down with John Stevens and the others is but a distant memory.

Just a bump in the road that is called life.

Today truly feels like the end—the idealistic ending to all of the bad things that we each went through.

All so worth it to get where we are today.



I talk to the others as we stand in the yard.

The day of celebration is well underway.

I look over at Drew, making some smart comment about something he says, and he laughs. I think he has finally forgiven me for Stevens and for everything that happened with Sky.

I understand why he had such a hard time with it and why it took him so long to get here.

The trouble is, I was having such a hard time forgiving myself, blaming myself for everything that went down. 

That is, until today.

Today feels like a good day to put the past where it belongs, in the past.

A perfect day to move forward.



I have to say, I'm surprised, but maybe that isn't a strong enough word, at what Marvin did.

For a man who did so many evil things in his life, it really threw me for a loop that he did something so good and so human.

I think that perhaps, in his own way, he really did care for Skylar and really did love her, as much as a man such as himself is capable of caring or loving. It makes me wonder if his upbringing was different, what kind of man he would have been, and how different he would have been.

What he did for Sky didn't make up for his other wrongdoings, but I think in some small way it has truly helped her to fully heal.

That girl has grown so much these last several years; hell, they all have.

Just look at River and Darlene, smiling happily at each other as they watch little Ry play in the leaves.

So in love.

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