Chapter 13 Uncomfortable Conversation ✔️

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This chapter will be told from Drew and River's perspective, we will be catching up on what has been happening with them before we get back with Sky.


Day 4


While I listen to them all talk about what they have learned through their investigation, I wait to tell them what I have learned.

The entire trip from Kentucky to Virginia, I kept it to myself, waiting until we were all together to tell them anything.

Up until yesterday, I honestly never really thought much about who Skylar's father is. It isn't something that has ever been important. Not after learning about her mother and Sky inheriting her grandparents estate and all the good she has done with it. She has been happy, and so have I.

I guess thinking about the possibility of having a dad alive and well out there has been pushed to the back of all of our minds since we have been so busy dealing with everything else.

Thinking about it now, I realize we should have made it a priority and found out all we could, at least for Sky's sake.

To me and to Drew, it doesn't make any difference; we will love her the same regardless. But to Sky, it may make all the difference in the world.

When she learns who her real dad is and that he isn't any better than ours and, in some ways, maybe even worse, I know it will devastate her.

But I also know she will handle it, just as she always handles everything that is thrown her way.

She will be okay.

But since the three guards didn't give up much viable information as to where John has taken her, I have one last idea on who may know, but it is going to involve having one long uncomfortable conversation. 


Day 4


"You damn near killed Michael Vanguard." Maddox says to River as we all sit around the table.

The five of us are in the middle of discussing what went down during the interrogations that River kept me out of. And given what took place, rightly so, even though I won't dare admit it, just yet.

"Pretty sure that David Foreman will have trouble jerking off for awhile too." He says with a hint of a grin.

"Well, what all do we know now?" Ryland says with his pen and paper ready to jot down notes.

Him and Noah are the ultimate note-takers, and it is a good thing too because it has sure been a lifesaver on many investigations and recovery missions.

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