Chapter 21 Marvin ✔️

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I wait until we are alone.

Marvin comes in to check on me. To see if I need anything.

John has stepped out, and the others are occupied by some sports game on the television.

I have wrestled with how I will tell him, if he will believe me, or if he will just assume it was some ploy to win him over and get him on my side as a half-baked attempt to save myself.

Which, honestly, isn't too far of a stretch. 

"How are you?" He asks, looking me over, his brows scrunched like he is actually concerned for my wellbeing.

"I need to talk to you." I say a bit hesitant.

He scrunches up his brows further, narrowing his eyes, and looks at me, trying to decide what my motives may be.

I nod towards the open door, where the sounds of the others echo from the living room as they shout curse words at the television.

He nods in understanding and steps further into the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

"What's going on, sweetpea?" He walks towards me, his voice soft and genuine.

I try hard not to cringe as he calls me by the pet name he gave me as a child when we lived in this house. I do my best, knowing that the name is innocent enough, as much as it can be coming from him, and it really isn't the time to make an issue of it.

"I need to tell you something. Something you probably don't want to hear, but it is important."

"So what is it?" He asks with his hands in his pockets.

As on edge as everyone here seems to be, his body language tells me that, for now at least, he isn't too worried about this situation turning on him or me turning on him.

"You're in danger." I whisper. I know that the chances of anyone hearing us are slim to none, but I still don't want to risk it.

"I'm what?" He asks loudly in surprise, removing his hands from his pockets.

"Shhh..." I warn, casting my eyes towards the door. I grab his arms and pull him towards me until both of us are seated on the bed.

I quickly whisper everything in as much detail as I can. Being sure to try and drive home the seriousness of it and what it will mean for both of us if John and his goons follow through.

Once I am done, he stands up and steps back with an odd expression on his face.

I assume he is taking a moment to process what I have just said.

But, you know that expression they say about assuming...

And that is exactly how I am left feeling.

Like an ass.

A big one.

After taking a moment of silence to let it sink in, he shakes his head and laughs.

That's right ...


"Oh, come on, Sky. John?" He laughs, turning back towards the door.
"You know, you really had me going for a minute there." He says walking out.

And I am left sitting on the bed with my heart racing and wondering what the hell just happened.

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