Chapter 9 Gaining Trust and Information ✔️

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This will be a decently long chapter and will bounce between Sky, Drew and River.

It also covers just one day with Sky and days (2&3) with Drew and River, there is a reason that it is written this way. It's mainly due to Sky being out of it throughout most of her abduction, time feels differently to her vs. the others, and I wanted that to reflect in the writing.

Please pay attention otherwise the story will not make sense.

Sky refers to how long she has been gone, but again, she is confused, she doesn't realize how long it has actually been. So that is why it is in bold at the top of the guys parts and some of hers. That is the true time she has been gone.

Just wanted to point that out now so there wouldn't be any confusion later on.





The fifth day ends with food.

I suppose I have shown I can be compliant enough to be rewarded.

John removed the chain from my ankle sometime yesterday. I think this was more of a test. See if I would run or make some kind of effort to get past him and to whatever may be outside the door. I didn't. Which seems to please him.

Marvin and John see this all as me coming around; I see it as an opportunity to get my ass out of here.

Not that I see too much of Marvin; after taking a hit to the face, he stays largely in the background, literally standing behind John in the doorway when he pops in and out of my room.

It is kind of ironic, really, that the man I had been so afraid of is hiding like a coward.

But mostly, I am by myself.

All I do during my time alone, which, as I said, has been pretty much the entire time, is plot my escape and think about Drew, River, and everyone and everything that waits back home for me.

That is my motivation-to see them again.

I know that none of them are sitting idly by, but seeing as how they didn't come bursting through the doors anytime during those first few days, I know that the chances of them finding me are slim.

The possibility that I am right in my initial thoughts, that they are holding me in a place that we somehow missed, grows into a more confirmed answer of 'yes'.

That is one reason why I decide to take a chance when John comes in and brings me actual food for the first time-to gain a little more of his trust.

I am not going to get out of here if I don't have some kind of knowledge as to how. I also can't escape if I don't know what lies beyond the four dingy walls of this room.

"Eat up, little Flower, you've earned it."
John says bringing in a styrofoam tray, the kind they give you at restaurants, to carry home the rest of your meal.

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