Epilogue *Dreams*✔️

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This super short final chapter will also serve as the book's epilogue, and I will use the beginning and end of this chapter to serve as my final author's note for this book. Keep reading for the story's conclusion.

If you've made it here. Thank you! You all have been so supportive of me and my stories and have helped give me the confidence to put more of my work out there.

Writing has been a hobby of mine since
I was ten years old. I've always had a passion for reading and writing, but I was never secure enough in myself to share it with others. That was until Wattpad came into my life and has since served as a way for me to do just that.

Protect Me was written really fast; the idea came to me while I was working on another book, and I just had to get the story out there before I lost it.

It quickly became my most-read story and continues to get many new reads every day. It was because of all the love it received that I decided to continue Sky and Drew's story with Save Me.

I love and appreciate you all more than you will ever know. ❤️

Don't forget to keep scrolling after the epilogue for a look at the final installment of the series Condemn Me

Morning princess." Drew says kissing my forehead.

"Good morning, sexy." I say tiptoeing to give him a kiss.

Life has never been better.

There are still some days when it feels like a dream.

"How are my girls?" He asks, rubbing his hand across my swollen stomach.

"Good. Hungry." I laugh, grabbing a piece of bacon off the plate.

"Here." He leads me to the table. "Sit. You cooked breakfast, the least you can do is let me serve it to you." He says as I sit down in the chair.

He stands behind me, massaging my shoulders, and I moan softly at his expert touch.

Being pregnant has really been a lot harder on me than I want to admit.

We had such a difficult time conceiving that we almost gave up. Our girl came as a huge surprise to us.

Finding out that I was pregnant during the most difficult time of my life was hard. It was even harder to keep it a secret after I came home.

I just wanted to be sure before I said anything, I didn't think our little family could handle much more bad news if something were to go wrong, and I had no idea what, if any, effects the drugs John had given me would have.

Luckily, by the grace of God, I didn't need to worry. Everything with our girl has been great so far.

Telling the girls the good news first was a decision I didn't come to easily.

But I knew that I wanted Drew all to myself when I told him, and his reaction only cemented that decision for me.

"Don't moan like that princess; you know what it does to me." Drew whispers with a hot, heavy breath against my neck.

"How do you find me so attractive? I feel like a beached whale." I whine.

"Princess, you are more beautiful carrying my child than you have ever been." He says kissing me on the cheek.
"And I will show you just how much I find you attractive... after you eat your breakfast." He kisses me sweetly on the cheek again.

"How did I get so damn lucky?" I look over the table at him, where he has taken his seat and is beginning to dig into his plate.

Deja vu.....

This is my dream...

The one I had before...

My nightmare...

Right before...

My heart races for a minute as I pause, because this time is different.

There is no loud crash followed by an ominous feeling.

Just love and happiness.

Drew holds my hand across the table.

Together we eat our breakfast, and a man of his word shows me just how much he still finds me beautiful.

We finish the day packing our bags to take with us to the hospital next week for my induction.


One week to the day, everyone crowds around the hospital bed to get their first look at our beautiful baby girl, Trinity Faith.

Everyone stands there looking down at her tiny face, and you can feel the love and excitement in the air.

River holds Ry up so that he too can get a good look at his new baby cousin.

"She's so cute." He gushes in his sweet little voice. "Can I hold her, Daddy? Can I hold her?" He begs.

"Let him up here." I say moving over a couple of inches so that he can crawl in beside me.

He leans over, carefully touching her cheek with his little hand, eyeing the knitted hat that the hospital put on her.

"She is just like a princess." Aunt Sigh. He says this, his eyes full of genuine childhood curiosity and wonder as he gently examines her.

"Yes, she is." Drew softly agrees, leaning in closer, touching her face, and placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Just like her momma."

The End

(Please don't skip the note at the bottom! ❤️)


Y'all, I literally cannot!

This book has truly been a labor of love, and I am simply beside myself with emotions at it being over!

I really wish their story could go on forever, but I felt like this was the best place to end it.

I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have, and if you did, or even if you didn't, let me know. I love hearing everyone's feedback.

I love and appreciate you all more than you will ever know!

Much love



Scroll for a look at the final installment of the Protect Me series... Condemn Me

Save Me  18+ Sequel to Protect Me✔️Where stories live. Discover now