Chapter 7 Familiar Faces ✔️✔️

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Ok you have to understand that the timelines for the guys and for Sky will be somewhat off kilter. Sky's perspective is skewed and limited, so the guys POV advances faster than hers.

Here's where our story is going to split....

We will have 3 perspectives (or more) in some chapters, I will always let yall know whos head we are in but because of the way this story is gonna play out we will be seeing Sky's POV as well as Drew's and... River's.

And just a little warning... we are going to see a whole new side to River..... and it's a good one.






My mind has been a whirlwind. Everything is a jumbled mess.

I need her. I need Sky. My princess.

Without her here, I am falling apart, and I know I need to get my shit together in order to get her back.

But how exactly am I supposed to get my head clear and be able to think straight when I am consumed with thoughts of her and the guilt of letting it happen?

I am consumed with thoughts of revenge and how good it is going to feel to see the life drain from that bastard's face when I kill him.

"How the hell did he get ahold of her?" I ask River for no less than the hundredth time.

"I have no idea. The best I can figure is that he was already here, watching her, just waiting for the opportunity to grab her." He answers. "He was probably waiting for her to wander off or get far enough away from us that he could grab her. That is the only thing that makes sense."

"We have to find her, River. We have to find her, and we have to kill him." I say stating it as a fact.

"We will." He reaches over, patting my arm, trying to comfort me.

There is no comfort.

There won't be any, not until she is back, safe in my arms.

I should have never let her out of my sight. I should have never left her side.

In so many damn ways, I solely blame myself for this. It is my job. My only fucking job in this world is to protect her and keep her safe. And I have fucked it up royally.

If something were to happen, if he were to

No. I can't let my mind go there. I won't.

She has to be okay. She has to.

Sky is the bravest, strongest, and most wonderful person there is, hands down, period. She has come so far in the last few years. If anyone can get through this, she can.

She has to be okay.

She just has to!

I can't take thinking for a second that she isn't or that she won't be.

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