Pt. 2: A Mission

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From yesterday's events, Marshall can't help but feel flustered of the moment he and Chase shared in the game. But even so, Marshall wasn't the only one who was surprised.

Today, Adventure Bay is in need of the help of the Paw Patrol. As Ryder calls the pups to the lookout, Rocky and Zuma were chatting. Right after Ryder's call, the pups went up to start the mission.

Chase: Paw Patrol, ready for action! Ryder sir!

Ryder: Thanks for hurrying, pups. Mayor Goodway has decided to set up an event for the whole city to partake in.

The Pups: Ooh!

Ryder: However, all the materials have gone missing overnight. Mayor Goodway nor the people of Adventure Bay have any leads to where they could have gone. So for this mission, I'll need...Spy Chase. I need you to search around for clues and possible leads using your drone.

Chase: Spy Chase is on the case!

Ryder: And Skye. I need you in your helicopter to look from above, in any case that a trail of the missing materials is found.

Skye: Arf! Let's take to the sky!

Ryder: And Rocky. Once we recover the materials for the event, I need you on standby to check if any of it needs repairs or if it needs a replacement.

Rocky: Green means go!

Ryder: Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!

With the typical animation of how they start the mission, riding in their vehicles and uniforms, the Paw Patrol makes it way to City Hall. Mayor Goodway and Mr. Porter are by the site where the materials were piled and stored. Ryder, Rocky, and Chase make their way over to where they are.

Mayor Goodway: Ah! Paw Patrol! Thank you so much for coming.

Mr. Porter: I was helping out Mayor Goodway with the materials yesterday so I know where we put the materials for the said event.

Chase: What is the event about, anyway?

Mr. Porter: I don't know. Mayor Goodway said she'll announce the details of this event.

Mayor Goodway: Indeed. There were a lot of parts for stalls, the stage, game setups, and the food tables.

Rocky: Hmm...I found something. Arf! Claw.

Rocky's pup pack opens up and whips out his claw tool, picking up and showing to them a purple cloth, seemingly ripped from the thief's clothes.

Ryder: Nice find, Rocky! Hmm...Chase. See if you can get a lead on who the culprit might be.

Chase leans towards the cloth, sniffing it for the scent but his allergies start acting up. Sneezes were what Chase gave as he tries to get words out of his mouth. It's obvious to Ryder and Rocky who may have took the event materials.

Ryder: We know one thing that triggers Chase's allergies.

Rocky: And that's cats!

Ryder: Skye, start searching around for any cats and a cheeky mayor.

Skye: Roger that, Ryder! A group of cats and a mayor on for the search.

Ryder: Alright pups, let's follow Skye.

Chase: S-Sure thing, Ry-Achoo!

Rocky: Oops! Sorry, Chase.

Rocky retracts his claw tool, making it go back inside his pup pack as the group make their way to their vehicles and follow Skye. Ryder is ahead while Rocky and Chase were riding beside each other. During the ride, Rocky decides to break the silence.

Rocky: Hey Chase.

Chase: What is it, Rocky?

Rocky: I was wondering if you remembered what happened yesterday when we were playing Tag Team.

Chase: Huh? I can...

Chase remembers the 'accident' where he was dizzy and got on top of Marshall. Recalling it made the german shepherd blush a little and Rocky starts to notice it. The mixed breed blushes as he saw it on Chase's face but his ears droop.

Chase: O-Oh...That...Umm...I was dizzy so I couldn't...really see.

Rocky: I-I see...

Rocky and Chase keep looking ahead, calming themselves down before Skye gives a response. Skye tells the others that Mayor Humdinger and his kittens are hiding behind Yumi's barn with the event materials.

To Mayor Humdinger's view, he laughs as evil as he can while twiddling his mustache.

Mayor Humdinger: Oh my kittens. Foggy Bottom will have its first event ever since we took those event stuff from Mayor Goodway's city. Just hope that the Paw Patrol isn't on our tail about it.

Chase: Oh yes we are, Mayor Humdinger.

Ryder, Chase, and Rocky had caught up to Mayor Humdinger and his kittens before they could make an escape. Skye swoops in from above with her helicopter as she grabs the packed event materials using the hook. Flying off back towards Adventure Bay.

Skye: I got the stuff, Ryder! I'm heading back to Adventure Bay.

Ryder: Great job, Skye. And Mayor Humdinger, please try not to take anything without asking. And besides, everyone's welcome to Mayor Goodway's to-be-announced event.

Mayor Humdinger: Hmph! I have no words for you nor the Paw Patrol. Come on, kitties. Let's get our own stuff for Foggy Bottom.

The kittens meow in response, getting inside their mobile pet cage as Mayor Humdinger rides off on it.

Few hours later, Rocky has finished all the materials back at the City Hall. All materials were in good condition, no need for repairs or replacements.

Mayor Goodway: Ah! Thank goodness nothing is damaged. Thanks for saving the day again, Paw Patrol.

Ryder: Whenever your stuff has gone missing, just yelp for help!

Everyone at the site laughed as Ryder, Rocky, Chase, and Skye make their way back to the lookout. Skye looks over to Chase as she gives a relieved sigh while Rocky can't help but stare at Chase and the lookout. A normal mission...with a little spice.

Next part coming up soon.

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