Pt. 15: Big and Small

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It was time for Ryder and the other pups to go back to Adventure Bay. Rex, Taylor, and Dr. Turbot waved goodbye as they went inside the Dino Patroller. Night was still getting his stuff ready in the Lookout, Rex getting in to help him. They both smile and laugh as they talked while everything was settled. Night touched Rex's snout with his paw as he left a note for him. Rex hid it in his pup vehicle as Night went inside the Paw Patroller. They head back to Adventure Bay and settled down again, a mission was already waiting for them.

By the time Ryder and the pups have finished fixing their stuff, he got a call from his pup pad. Ryder answers to see Captain Turbot on the Flounder, having a hard time trying to stay still.

Ryder: Hello Captain Turbot. What's happening?

Captain Turbot: Wooaah! Ryder. The waves suddenly got strong right above Puplantis. This hasn't happened before and I think something's happening down there.

Ryder: Got that, Captain Turbot. No waves' too strong, no pup-

Ryder gets another call from Alex in which he answers while excusing himself from Captain Turbot's call for help.

Alex Porter: Ryder! Ladybird's back and she's stealing shiny stuff again. But it seems like she's interested in jewels. Mr. Porter comes into view.

Mr. Porter: She was heading towards the museum. There's a big collection of gems and stones in there.

Ryder: Oh man. This is going to be a handful. No stuff's too shiny, no pup's too small!

Ryder calls all the pups to the Mighty Lookout. They all got into their suits with Dusk beside them. Tuck and Ella soon arrive right after their suit up. They got into their positions.

Chase: Ruff! Mighty Pups! Ready for mighty action, Ryder sir!

Ryder: Thanks for coming so quickly, pups. You too, Tuck and Ella.

Tuck: We heard Ladybird is around stealing shiny things again.

Ella: That's why we came as soon as possible.

Ryder: Great job, you two. But today, we're dealing with two problems. Ladybird's in town stealing shiny gems and stones and she's headed towards the museum, where a collection of gems and stones are on display. Along with that, Captain Turbot's having trouble on the Flounder as the waves right above Puplantis suddenly got stronger.

Dusk: Wow. Talk about a busy day.

Ryder: We'll need all mighty paws on deck but we have to split up. Mighty Zuma, Mighty Rocky, Mighty Rubble, and Mighty Dusk. I need you guys to help Captain Turbot and find out what's causing those waves. Mighty Chase, Mighty Skye, Mighty Marshall, and the Mighty Twins. You come with me to stop Ladybird from getting that collection. Mighty Pups are on a roll!

Ryder and the Mighty Pups went separately to the different missions assigned to them. Dusk would be in charge of the Puplantis mission while Ryder took charge of the Ladybird mission. Ryder tells Skye and Chase to distract Ladybird from getting to the museum any earlier. Ryder with the Mighty Twins head to the city museum as fast as possible to execute their plan on capturing Ladybird.

With Dusk, Zuma protects themselves with his bubbles as they head over to Captain Turbot right above Puplantis. They got there quick, seeing Captain Turbot lying down on the boat floor. Dusk tells Rocky to use his energy tool powers to help balance the Flounder along with Rubble's help on one side. He then tells Zuma to put Captain Turbot in a bubble, floating him out of the Flounder. Captain Turbot took some breaths before he calmed down, thanking the pups. Before they went down to Puplantis, Dusk and the pups charged up. Creating a new layer of bubbles for themselves along with Captain Turbot to help communicate with the merpups as they went down. Dusk starts making use of his tracking expertise and super senses, trying to find what's causing the waves above to be so strong from Puplantis. Zuma and Captain Turbot head over to Puplantis' entrance where they saw a group of merpups swimming about, obviously distressed. They talk with the merpups and find that someone came down here in a vehicle and that it had big swirling fans. Zuma informs Dusk about it through his pup tag, piecing things together to figure out who it might be and while knowing what's now causing the strong waves. Dusk heads over to where he senses ocean movement nearby, Rocky and Rubble following. They find the very thing the merpups said, a vehicle with big swirling fans. He recognized the vehicle and knew the person behind it. Harold Humdinger. Seems like they were dealing two super baddies in different places. Dusk informs Ryder about it by sending a report on how the mission's going. Dusk went towards the vehicle while out of the airflow created by the swirling fans. Rocky and Rubble carefully followed as Dusk told them what to do. Rocky uses his energy tools to detach the big fans. Rubble uses his super strength to bring Harold's vehicle up to the surface as soon as the waves started calming down.

Meanwhile after Ryder received the report, he understood the situation. Tuck grew small and hid right above the frame of the collection of gems and stones. Ella hid carefully by the entrance inside the museum as Chase tells Ryder that Ladybird's coming. Ryder tells them to withdraw and hide nearby the museum, in case Ladybird tries to escape with the collection. Ryder hid behind another exhibit entrance as Ladybird comes in through the museum's entrance. She was looking around at all the shiny things in there until she saw the collection of gems and stones in a frame hanging on a wall. Ladybird got closer as she stopped flying, admiring it for a moment. Tuck, who was waiting above the frame, looks at Ryder from the other exhibit entrance as they both nodded. Tuck jumped off the frame and landed on Ladybird's meteor piece. Ella grew big enough to cover the museum's main entrance. Skye waited on top of the museum while Chase secured the perimeter. Ryder came out from the exhibit and told Ladybird to stop. Tuck then knocked out the meteor piece from Ladybird's suit and got down. Ladybird laughs, about to make her escape but she fails to do so as she realizes her meteor piece is gone. Tuck kicked it over to Ryder and Ryder held it in his hand. Tuck walked towards Ella, standing beside her as he grew back to normal size. Ladybird admits defeat, raising her hands in the air as she let go of the big bag that had everything she took. Skye uses her whirlwind power to carry the bag of loot out of the museum after Ella shrunk back down to size. Ladybird then heads out of Adventure Bay while Ryder and the other pups made sure. They returned all the stolen stuff and reported back to Dusk. Asking how the mission is going and how they finished theirs. Dusk tells Ryder that Harold's escaping in another built water vehicle and is headed toward the shore by Adventure Bay. Ryder and the other pups headed over there to help stop Harold as Dusk, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Captain Turbot were on his tail. Dusk talks to Chase through his pup tag as he saw Harold getting closer to the shore. Chase agrees to the plan and so did Ryder. Dusk zooms ahead as he was tailing Harold's vehicle while Chase stood by in front of its direction. Chase charged up with Skye and faces Harold's direction. Harold is confused on what's happening and they take this opportunity to stop him. Chase and Dusk both used their sonic boom at Harold's vehicle. The soundwaves were strong enough to shake the whole vehicle and get Harold off his seat, causing him to crash into the sand nearby. Dizzy, Harold walked out of his vehicle while Chase got the other meteor piece from the crashed vehicle. Dusk, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Captain Turbot followed after, making sure Harold ain't going. Harold is yet again defeated and heads back to his uncle's place. Ryder holds both the meteor pieces as he flew back to the Mighty Lookout. The pups and Dusk followed after him as he opened the Paw Patrol Lookout logo and merged the pieces back with the meteor. Ryder comes down to the parking area as the pups and Dusk were waiting.

Ryder: Awesome job, everyone! Not only did we stop two villains, we also saved Captain Turbot and Puplantis.

Captain Turbot: Yeah. Thanks for the Mighty Help, Paw Patrol.

Ryder: You're welcome. Whenever there's two super baddies, just yelp for help!

Ryder, the pups, Dusk, and Captain Turbot laughed as the captain himself walked back into town. Ryder, along with Dusk and the pups except Tuck and Ella, took off their suits in the Lookout as it changed back to its normal state. Tuck and Ella waited outside as Ryder, Dusk, and the other pups came out. Ryder thanked Tuck and Ella for coming to help so quickly. They both went back to their home as Ryder, Dusk, and the pups settled down by the open grass field. Dusk changed into Night, stretching as he laid down on the grass. The other pups did so too along with Ryder. They're all relieved and relaxed under a setting sun before they started preparing for nighttime.

Another mission complete. Dealt with two villains at the same time in different places while being split up. Definitely tiring though.

Alnur here. Seems I've been making parts averagely long like I did before. Might mean I'm getting back into the groove but that also means more fun stuff. Next part will be up soon.

One? Or Two? (Paw Patrol Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon