Pt. 19: Revelation or Miracle

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It was finally time. With Adventure City stable in dealing with problems and situations with advice from Dusk and Night, the long wait is over. The two head back to Adventure Bay on board the Paw Patroller with their stuff, waving and saying goodbye to Liberty with the townspeople to see them off. They were a few miles from Adventure Bay, Ryder calling on Dusk's phone which he answers. He sees Ryder and the pups as Dusk was viewed in the Lookout's screen.

Dusk: Hey Ryder. Hey guys!

Ryder and the pups: Hi Dusk!

Ryder: Nice to see you again. How was Adventure City?

Dusk: It was wonderful to be back. The townspeople easily accepted me and so did the departments after knowing I was sent to be in-charge. We did many fun things. Everyone was friendly besides the troublemakers.

Marshall: Would be nice to be back in Adventure City.

Chase: As long as there's no Mayor Humdinger to deal with there.

Dusk: Fair enough. How have you guys been doing?

Rubble: All great! We've had so much fun helping and rescuing, then eating, then sleeping, then-

Dusk: Waking up then fun, then helping and rescuing, then eating, then sleeping again?

Rocky: Much so.

Dusk: I'm almost there, you guys. We can talk a lot more than you think.

Ryder: Alright. See you later, Dusk.

Dusk: See ya!

Ryder ends the call as he tells the other pups to help with the decorations by the Lookout entrance. Rex, Everest, Tracker, and Al were setting up the tables and decorations when the call was answered. Ryder informs them that Dusk is coming soon, hearing the Paw Patroller honk. They finished with the decorations and stood by the entrance as the Paw Patroller stops in front of them and the door opens. First one out was Dusk with a lot of stuff, to which they greet him with a "Welcome Back" celebration but they were more surprised when they saw a familiar pup follow Dusk after. It was Night and Dusk, right there at the same time. Ryder and all the pups stood in shock as Dusk breaks the silence by letting them explain inside the Lookout.

They all sat in the lobby as Dusk and Night start explaining themselves.

Dusk: Okay. During our stay in Adventure City, we dealt with a robbery in-progress the day before Pup Day. Me, Liberty, and the police force decided that we take it easy as the robbers haven't noticed. Liberty led the police force towards the back of the museum with their sirens off so that the criminals wouldn't be alerted. I went up front and turned into Night as I got into the ventilation.

Night: After turning into so, we went through the vents and stopped by a near vent grate where the robbers could barely see us. Unexpectedly, the thing they were looking for was in front of the vent grate itself. When we took a closer look, it was another meteor piece. The difference about it was that it contained more power, shown by its bright glow. We gave Liberty the go signal and the police sirens outside went off, loud enough to startle the robbers and force them to look outside. When they went to check, we took the opportunity to grab the meteor piece and hid nearby them. Special units came in quietly and before they knew it, we had already surrounded the robbers. Inside and outside, they couldn't escape. They gave up on the spot and they were sent to prison. We talked with the museum manager and after a conversation about the very thing we got, they let us have it. We took it back to headquarters and decided to sleep since it was already late. I changed back to Dusk and the meteor piece was right beside us when we slept.

Dusk: What we didn't know is that when we woke up, the meteor piece was gone-

Night: And we both looked at each other in surprise and confused and how we were able to be in two different bodies and there at the same time. Liberty came up and saw us, surprised and shocked.

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