Pt. 12: It Goes On and On

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The story continues three days after the Super Robots incident. Nearly lunch time, Ryder and the pups were hiding by the Lookout as they wait for someone to come. They hear footsteps from the roadway and hid carefully in their spots, the figure walking closer to the Lookout. They all jump out to surprise the figure.

Ryder and the pups: Surprise! Happy Birthday, Dusk!

Dusk/Night: Aww! You guys shouldn't have.

Chase: We know your birthday was interrupted by the super baddies...

Ryder: So we thought we'd give you a belated birthday party.

Skye: It was all Marshall's idea, and glad nothing else went wrong with decorating.

Marshall: Hey. You can't always blame me for the clumsy stuff that happens around.

Ryder, Dusk/Night, and the pups laugh and went into the lobby, the whole space decorated with festive cheer as a few known faces were in there. Mayor Goodway with Chickaletta, Katie, Alex, Tuck and Ella, Everest, and Tracker. Night couldn't keep the crowd waiting so he started the party. Starting with party games, then moving onto the birthday celebration. Everyone gathered around the table where Dusk was standing behind of and his birthday cake on top of it. It was designed to represent the whole Adventure Bay with the candle on top of the Paw Patrol Lookout Tower. Before anyone could start, Dusk stopped them by saying something.

Dusk: Thank you everyone for coming to my birthday party. Although it's a bit late, it's still wonderful that all of you came to celebrate it with me. As you all know, I came from Adventure City. Great place but it's also had its ups and downs. Being here in Adventure Bay has made me realize that there's still good around the world. I thank Mayor Goodway for welcoming me into her city. I thank Katie for giving me those baths. I thank Alex for being a good friend. I thank the pups for being the best teammates and friends I could ask for, same goes for their leader. Ryder, I thank you for accepting me as I am and I thank you for getting me to join the Paw Patrol. Now, what you all waited for.

Ryder and everyone else started clapping and singing Happy Birthday, Dusk smiling and clapping along as he heard the joy and excitement in everyone's voice. He closed his eyes, already making his wish. As the others were done singing, they all let Dusk make his wish. A few seconds later, he blew at the candle, putting out the fire. Ryder and Katie pulled the party poppers and everyone cheered. They all went on with their own business, dancing, eating, playing, chatting. Rubble was by the food table with Skye, picking out their treats and eating by the sofa wall. Zuma, Rocky, Chase, and Marshall were playing Pup Pup Boogie. Katie and Alex were watching them play as they ate their food. Mayor Goodway headed back to City Hall. Ryder and Dusk were talking outside as they drank iced tea.

Dusk: Ryder. Why did you let me stay? I lied to you about my identity. Even if I knew well about it as you officially let me become a member.

Ryder: Because you were ready to face the consequences. I know that look of yours. Determined and ready for anything. Still, it's a bit shocking. You being two different-

Dusk: Yeah. I guess you want to know how it started.

They were interrupted as the pups went outside to talk and play with Night. The birthday boy decided to let them in on how he got two forms.

Dusk: Listen well, everyone.

Dusk: I was born in Adventure City and grew up there all those years as Dusk. Knowing faces, going places, doing what I want. Eventually, as I was growing 10, my parents decided to throw me out. Saying that some kids out there are already prepared for the life they want. They packed my stuff and gave it to me, scolding me to go get a life. I turned to look at the public staring at me. Out of the blue, I grabbed all my stuff and ran off with a disappointed look on my face. My own parents kicked me out and left me nothing to start from. So I went off towards Adventure Bay. Before I got closer to Adventure Bay, I found a shining meteor piece off the road. I was curious and got closer. As soon as I was up close, it was as big as a gold bar. I left my stuff nearby a tree and when I touched it, the light flashed in front of me causing me to pass out. When I woke up, the meteor piece was gone and my stuff was still there. When I looked back at my own self, I was a pup. A wolf pup. I looked at myself more, confused and wondering how it happened. The meteor piece had something to do with it. I slept by my stuff as a wolf pup and instantly dozed off. Then, the first time I experienced the change was way before Alex found me in that hole. When I woke up, the sun was rising. I then felt pain come through me as I slowly started growing. I closed my eyes while it was happening. After the pain stopped, I opened my eyes and saw my own human body again. I felt everything from my head to my feet. Before I headed out, I decided to camp by the woods nearby. There, I got to know my bodies better. A few months later, I woke up in the morning and I then went into Adventure Bay, forgetting I left my stuff. Lying that I left it at the park when I left it back at the camp spot near the town. And well...You know the rest of it. I got saved, invited to join the Paw Patrol, became a member, and got accepted as a double-identity.

Ryder: Still strange though. You got your form change because of a meteor piece but you got your powers when you touched another one?

Marshall: It is rather odd.

Night: I still wonder why. Then again...It's all worth it if I get to be around you guys.

Rocky: Aww. Happy 12th Birthday, Dusk.

Night: Actually, 12th birthday for Dusk. Human me. And 7th birthday for Night. Wolf pup me.

Zuma: Wait. So you're 12 as a human and 7 as a pup?

Night: Yep. Pretty sure finding a relationship with somebody like me is going to be really confusing.

Everyone laughs it off, the pups hugging Night. Night hugs back as he then felt a sudden flow of energy. He shrunk down in size and turned into his Night, his wolf form. The pups and Ryder look in shock as Night checks himself and up at the sky, seeing that the sun is still up. He jumps and barks in excitement, knowing that he can finally control his form change. He changed back to Dusk, smiling as he felt great with his own self. Ryder and the pups give surprised remarks as they see Dusk freely changing form.

Night: I can finally be a wolf pup and a human whenever I want to. This is all so awesome!

Ryder: Glad you can, Night. Now, let's clean up the party. Everyone else has already left off.

Without any delay, Night changed back to Dusk as he helped Ryder and the pups clean up. It was about to get late so Tracker and Everest went back to their areas. Ryder was up in the Lookout preparing the pups' sleeping bags. Rubble, Skye, and Zuma were helping while Night, Rocky, Chase, and Marshall were outside patrolling the area. Night strikes up a conversation.

Night: So...I've been sensing that you guys have been

Chase: Wh-What do you mean?

Marshall: Like...What are you saying?

Rocky: Awfully off? I don't know what you're talking about.

Night: No use hiding it from me. I know you three have been wanting to get...closer.

Chase: Alright! You got us.

Marshall: We've been trying to...fool around, if that's what you meant.

Rocky: Kinda hard to resist, I won't lie about it.

Marshall and Chase blush with Rocky's response, Night and the mixed breed chuckling. They finished their patrol and Ryder called them up into the tower. The pups went into their sleeping bags as they all slept comfortably. Ryder makes final checks and soon sleeps himself.

Clearing out Dusk and Night's story, they've been the same person but they still have differences in age and a few other things. Along with that, take into account that using their names respectively would mean I'm using them as 'different characters' by age. So if anything comes up like a pup to be 'involved' with Night, then it's fine. I have my concerns in age gap but hope this fixes it. Next part up soon.

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