Pt. 28: New Beginning Yet An End

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We all just wait for a few days after Christmas and what is it? New Year. 8 in the morning, Ryder and the Paw Patrol are back at the same venue as most of the tables and stalls have been taken away. Rocky's making checks on every technical equipment with the technical team as Mayor Goodway makes sure everything else is alright. Ryder and everybody else is helping with the event. Mayor Goodway walks towards Ryder as she tells them to take a break, seeing that they are much needed later. Rocky gave the report that every technical equipment is in good condition. The team heads back to the Lookout as they took off their suits and played again. Ryder and Dusk were talking in the Tower while the pups were playing outside.

Ryder: You want to keep this between us? S-Seems out of the ordinary, after keeping secrets from me.

Dusk: I know, Ryder. It's...for something that will happen ahead.

Ryder: What do you want to tell me?

Dusk: ...I know more about our powers and what we can do with them.

Ryder: You...hesitated. Sounds like you found something...bad.

Dusk: Yes. The healing between me and Night? We can actually heal others using the Mighty Energy and different energy in our bodies.

Ryder: That's good news. Don't know how it would be something-...If you can heal...there's the possibility of bringing back a life.

Dusk: ...That's where the bad part is. We can heal but we can also give or bring back life. As long as the death is recent, specifically 2 days.

Ryder: How is any of this bad exactly...?

Dusk: ...A balance.

Ryder: In giving li-.....

Dusk: Yes...

The elevator soon starts going up to the Tower, Ryder and Dusk fixing their composure as they talk about the New Year's celebration. Night comes out of the elevator as soon as it reached the top. The wolf pup asks them what they're talking about and the two casually respond that they were talking about the New Year's celebration. Night replies that he's excited for the event, knowing it's the first time they'll be celebrating New Year's here. The three of them come down as the pups got inside the lobby. Ryder gets a call from Katie. The girl responds that she needs Ryder's help at her parlor. Ryder's confused but a little nervous since she didn't need any of the pups to come with him. Dusk gives a nod towards their leader, Ryder deciding to help Katie. The pups bark in happiness as the call ends, the leader is finally taking his first step towards love. Dusk tells the pups to calm down as Ryder starts to head over to Katie's Pet Parlor. This would automatically put Chase and Dusk in charge. Dusk lets the pups play again as he and Night were left in the lobby. They both sat at the sofa as they have a talk.

Night: Seriously. What were you two talking about?

Dusk: I was talking with Ryder about what our powers can do.

Night: Huh? Did you find something new?

Dusk: Not really. Say it's an improvement.

Night: Which power is it?

Dusk: Healing. We can heal ourselves. Much that's because of our Mighty Energy and different energy.

Night: You looked into it and...Does that mean we can heal others besides ourselves?!

Dusk: Exactly. But I'm sure it's going to put a toll on us. There's always a balance.

Night: Yeah. A balance. I got that from you.

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