Chapter 2: Worth it

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Gun pov.

As I was walking to the principal's office a hand grabbed my arm. He pushed me to the janitors closet and slammed the door shut. He also pushed me to the door and made me groan in pain.

"My my how strong you are." I told him still not looking at the guy.

"So you're the new guy. I heard you're into guys." He said this in a very perverted manner eyeing me up and down. I didn't like that, I didn't like that at all.

"Not all guys" I told him while pointing at him in a very disgusted tone. This guy had the nerve to harass me on my first day. I probably need to teach him a lesson.

"You talk big for an itti-bitty fella. The way you're parading you're butt around flirting with all the guys just shows how you want it bad." He continued judging me like he knows me.

"Well, I do like flirting. Tell me you're name handsome" I started to travel my hands along his chest down to his stomach all the while playing with his ears.

"I knew you would be easy...the name's Pak baby... " he whispered to me and it made my shiver but not in the good way. He was really testing my patience.

His hands started to roam around my back and his face inches away from mine. It looks like he was gonna kiss me and I hated the idea. So I slipped my hand into his shorts and grabbed a hold of something he was so proud of.

"Your so fast baby..." he told me as he panted.

"Oh... you might have miss understood." I slapped his hands away from me and I pushed him into the mops.

"The hell?" He complained. Probably because I stopped and pushed him a little to hard that he was on the floor. I crossed my arms and stepped on him literally.

"You might be the predator in this school but don't make the big mistake of underestimating me. You don't know what I'm capable of. You perform that stunt again or even give me a glance, the whole school will know how you have an itty-bitty little fella down your pants."  I threatened him while putting a little more pressure by stepping on him harder. He groaned and tried to push my foot away.

"You're crazy! That's not true!" He looked like he wanted to cry. Oh what a baby..

"It's my word against yours. What are you gonna do? Show everyone in school your member as proof?." I asked him in a very sarcastic tone

"Asshole!" He stood up and rapidly opened the door and ran away from the janitor's closet. His shorts was still a little loose since my little performance so he looked really funny running away holding his shorts.

"The biggest." I whispered. I went out the janitor's closet and fixed myself. As soon as I was outside, I saw Off and his friends looking weirdly at Pak running away from me.

I winked at Off to trigger a reaction and it did. He immediately went to the opposite direction. What a cutie. I really enjoy his expression, so innocent and so pure.

Then I went my way to the principal's office for my schedule and room assignment since I was gonna be at the school dorm.

I decided to skip class since I was not in the mood. That jerk really made my first day bad.

--------------------------- after class --------------------------

Off's pov.

"What is everyone talking about?" I asked Tay beside me since everyone seemed to be murmuring something nag showing pictures in their phone.

"Didn't you hear?" Tay asked me like he didn't know I didn't have my phone with me. This guy really.

"Oh I forgot... sorry... but there are pictures of Gun and Pak in the janitor's closet. And.. and... you know what?  Let's wait for New, I'm sure he knows the tea." He told me giving up in telling a story.

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