Chapter 5: I'm glad

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Off's Pov:

Every thing happened so quickly. The time we arrived at the hospital they took him to the emergency room. I didn't know what to do so I just held him. I didn't notice the loud people arguing at the back. The people crying for their loved ones, I only looked at Gun.

By the time Tay and New arrived in the hospital, I was already a wreak.

"Dude how's Gun? We came as soon as we heard" New asked me as he sat down next to me. My head was down and I didn't dare to show my face.

"He'll be fine." That was all Tay said and tapped me at the back to comfort me. New also wrapped his arms around me and whispered that he's gonna be okay. I'm glad they were here.

"Why don't we get something to eat first? Do you want anything?" Tay recommended. I forgot about food already, I was totally freaking out.

"It's my fault he's here. I shoudn't have never blocked his number" I honestly said. I was super guilty and I didn't know how to help him.

"No don't say that. The doctor will be out in the moment and explain what happened. Just think positive Off." New recommended. And he was right. Just 2 hours later, the doctor arrived.

"Are you his family?" He asked us all.

"No doc, we are friends of his. What happened to him exactly." Tay answered for all of us.

"He's fine now. Apparently, his appendix ruptured and caused him to experience a lot of pain. He might have been neglecting previous injuries to his stomach but he is fine now. We found bruises on his stomach that maybe caused this rupture.We removed the absess and he'll be up in any hour now. He just has to take a rest after the surgery. It would be best for him to stay here for a while to recover completely" The doctor explained to all of us and he left.

"Thank you doc." New said.

"Well that was unexpected. Glad he's okay though. We should call his parents" Tay suggested. I looked at him and recalled about our trip to meet his mom. He lives alone right.

"No its fine, I'll take responsibility." I suggested.

"Are you sure? Fine but we will be here to so that you won't get lonely." New added.

------------ after Gun transferred to a room -------

"He looks peaceful now that he's sleeping." New breaking the silence of us three. We decided to sleep here tonight so that if ever Gun wakes up, he wont be alone.

"Hey Off stop staring already." New said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I stopped staring and sad near his bed. He really looked very cute right now. Sometimes I think of how can this person have surgery hours ago and still look this cute.

I took his hands and held it tight, just trying to feel that he's here beside me makes my worries go away. Looking at him again, I felt a little pain in my heart. Now that I thought about it, the whole time he was in surgery, I thought that I may never see him again. And it was the worst thought that could ever happen to me.

I never wanted some silly kiss ruin what we have right now. Maybe I was just being  a little oberdramatic last time but I realized that he means more to me than anything in my world right now.

I think I like him already. I just didn't wanna admit it. I'm so sad that this situation is what made me realize that. I held his hand closed to my face and kissed it.

It was already nearing midnight and I decided to stay here with Gun as well as Tay and New.

First, tay fell asleep on the couch. I guess he was tired already because of the extracurricular activities he was involved in. I could also see New leaning and drifting into sleep slowly.

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