Chapter 15: Deals

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Gun's pov.

There is no going back now. I contacted Mond to help me once again. He was a very famous guy when it comes to things like this so he was the only one that could help me.

He immediately agreed and now we were on our way to my father's hideout.

My father and I was does not have a very good relationship. The last time I saw him was the day I put him in jail. He was a mad and twisted man. He is a murderer to put it simply. He was never a good father to us and even the worst husband. He put my mom in great misery not until I had the courage to ruin one of his mission and sabotage it for the police to get a hold of him.

Now that he was out from jail, he has been sending me death threats which is why it lead me to leave Off. I didn't wanna have some lose ends. I loved him, maybe the first person that really matters to me beside my family which is why I'll do my best to protect him. Even if that decision hurts me. I love him too much to put him in danger.

My father knows, I sabotage one of his mission. He knows it was me that put him in jail. He is coming to get me so before he does I'll turn myself in. I know how twisted his mind is so to avoid more harm to my friends I did this.

Mond and I arrived at an abandoned building.  He never changed. Just before we entered he made his men remove all potential weapons. Mond has some but of course I don't.

"Finally. You showed yourself. SON." He said. And I immediately wanna punch his face. He was one of the reason why my mother got ill. Seeing him brought back all the bad things that he has done.

"Cut to the chase Dad." I emphasized the Dad part because not once did I treat him like my dad.

"I see you have changed my son. And Mond, how great of you to bless us with your presence. I just want one thing. Revenge." He told me in a cold expression.

Mond looked at me and looked at the surrounding. Everyone was aiming their guns at us. One single move could cause us our lives. But this is why I brought Mond. Since his father is a very influential man, my father is smart enough not to cause trouble in their family.

"Put your guns down everyone. You know who my father is. He won't be happy about you guys treating me this way." Mond confidently told all of them and they turned their heads towards my father.

"Is this why you brought him here son? Too proud are we?" He directed his message to me only and didn't even pay attention to Mond. He was right but what can I do? This was my desperate move.

"I don't know why you keep on disturbing my peaceful life and now of all time. But this had got to stop. I put you in jail and I could do it again." I told him sternly.

But he chuckled and just smirked. For all my life I have never been able to read his next move. He stood up from his chair and walked towards me. Mond stood in front of me to protect me but my father just tapped his shoulder and whispered something.

Mond immediately stepped away and looked at me in a very sad eyes. I don't know what he said but it looked like Mond didn't have a choice. He said I'm sorry softly and my dad and I looked at each other face to face.

"Don't worry son. I just need you to do something for me. This one time." He told me while cupping both my cheeks. I immediately swatted his hands away from my face.

"Seriously dad. Stop with all of the suspense and just tell me." I told him because I was getting sick of all this.

"Alright. You want me to be honest. Then I will. You know that after you sent me to jail a friend of mine has been looking after my business for me. And now that I'm out, he told me that in exchange for his help I need marry of one of my children to his son." Before he can finish I swear I blocked out.

"Uhmmm what the hell?" Mond said in the background. He was as shocked as I am. In my head he was going to kill me or something.

"You mean..." I didn't have time to finish because I knew exactly what he wanted.

"You're gonna use your own daughter that way? What a douche." Mond followed up and whispered in the background. My dad looked at him and was about to say something but then I cut him off.

"You can't do this! You have caused our mother, you wife, great pain and suffering and now you're actually gonna marry of my sister!" I was furious. I know that he wanted to talk to me because I was her legal guardian.

"Oh but let me explain.." he told me and I was still furious. How could he ask me this after all this years.

"No! I told you no! She is not going with you. I practically raised her and your just gonna give her away like some kind of  price? That' outrageous." I started to ramble and even Mond was about to add something but he got cut off by my rambling.

"Gun. You don't understand." He said while I continue to talk over him.

"No! I said no! Just kill me now! This is just unforgivable. How do you expect me to give her up? This is so not what I expected here." I continue to ramble.

"GUN WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" This time he caught my attention and I shut up. I looked at him and he grabbed both my shoulders. His grip was strong and it hurt me a little. This is definitely gonna bruise later but I didn't give him the satisfaction he wanted.

"What?" I asked him curiously.

"His son is Gay!" He said and everyone went silent. My jaw dropped. Mond's jaw dropped and my bastard father just smirked.

"What?!?!?!" Mond ask in shock.

"So you're not marrying his sister off... but you're marrying Gun off?" Mond ask just to clarify the now incredible twist in my entire life.

"Are you kidding me?!?!!" I shouted at his face and he didn't even flinch. He already made up his mind.

"Yes and you can't say no. I already agreed and he already agreed. And for added thrill I prepared something for you" he said while walking back at his desk and got a photo.

"What did you do this time!" I demanded an answer because I know he won't let me out easily.

"Just the usual. A little black mailing to seal the deal. Since I love you so much Son." He eben emphasize the love and son part what a asshole.

Then he proceeded to hand me a bunch of photos and all of them were of Off. I knew he was gonna use him and that's why I broke things with Off. But he still didn't stop.

"Just leave him alone. I don't love him anymore." I said this but my heart broke a little.

"Yeah right. I'M YOUR FATHER REMEMBER? I know you still do. So if I were you I would agree to the deal. And I'll stop harassing and stalking you're EX-lover." He told me while raising air quotes in the air.

"Gun let's just go! My father could take care of this." Mond offered once again but I didn't want to take the risk. So I did what I have to do.

"I know that your the devil but Promise me that you'll leave him alone once I agree." I told him softly and it was so hard to say this. I wanted to get everyone around me safe and in exchange, I hurt the love of my life so I need to make this right. For him.

"Sure son!" He said happily. He doesn't even feel remorse for this act.

"Alright then." I told him and Mond was about to interrupt.

"No. Just let me do this one last thing for him... But no matter what happen, please never say this to him. Not a word. Promise me Mond" i asked him sincerely. He looked at me and he understood that my decision was final. So he just nodded in silence.

"Its a deal then" my dad and I shook hands  for the deal like a couple of strangers.

I just hope I'm doing the right thing...


Author's note.

Been a while so I added some twist up in here! Hope Off will be fine.

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