Chapter 18: The letter

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Off's Pov

Here I am once again, looking at the letter Gun gave New to give to me.Should I read this or not. I fear that if I do, I will regret it.

"Maybe I should give it a day." I told myself as I placed it on the counter and diregly going to my room to rest. A lot has happened today so maybe I should get myself a good night sleep and deal with this tomorrow.

Just as I was about to open the door to my bedroom I heard a car pull up the driveway. I looked at the window and noticed that it was my parents car. I wonder why are they home.

"Dad? Mom? I thought you are away in your business trip. What happened?" I asked them in curiosity. Normally they go home unless one of them is in trouble.

"No time to talk son. Go get your things and we need to go. You're grandma is in the hospital. We'll be staying at you Aunt for the time being." My mom answered me as she scrambles to pack up her own things. My dad was doing the same thing so I also did.

I packed up everything and got ready.

"You good son?" My dad shouted from the car outside. I gave him a thumbs up and went down to lock the door. I went in the car and looked at the house feeling like I forgot something. I shrugged the feeling as my mom talked to me.

"Hey sweetie would you like some sandwiches? My assistant ordered this a while ago. It might be a little cold but really good." My mom handed me the food bag.

"Thanks mom" I said to her and ate the sandwich silently as I scroll through my phone. I noticed a text from New asking how I was doing. I told him I was better and I'm going to my aunt's house. It was a good hour and a half when we arrived because of the traffic.

When we arrived at the hospital, my cousins greeted me. And went with me in grandma's private room.
She was still conscious when we arrived.

"Hey nona how are you?" I asked her softly. She smiles and weakly looked at my direction.

"Good. Good. Just had a little accident but I'll be fine dear. You look so skinny, is you mom feeding you?. I'm gonna cook you up some good food when I get out of here." She said to me while glaring at mom. It was a normal for them to bicker and my mom just smiled at her.

"Thank you grandma. But I'm already an adult. I can take care of myself. But I would truly like to taste some of your cooking again. It's been awhile." I told her and she just smiled.

"Sure dear." My grandma answered to me.

I guess she is doing well now. Honestly I thought it was gonna be worst. Then my dad and my mom went out the room and it looks like my dad was a little upset. I said good night to my grandma and take a peek outside. I didn't wanna eavesdrop but I wanted to get something to drink for the time being.

"She lied again. This is the 3rd time already." He said while holding on to his head in dismay.

"I know. But she's still my mother. Can we just stay for a week and make her happy. She probably just told us she was dying to sound dramatic. She just misses us. Please just think about family for once." She said back to him and he just nodded in agreement.
So that was why we were rushing. I get it now.

"Alright but this is the last time. A week that's all or else we will be so behind schedules. Let me use my phone and call my assistant to move all my schedules next week." He said while holding out his hand to take his phone from my mom. I guess my mother confiscated it. Typical. My dad may be alpha male outside but my mom is always the boss.

"He dad,mom?" I called out to them both and their heads immediately went to my direction.

"I'll go get us something to drink. Want some coffee?" I asked them knowing they both function well with coffee and they smiled and nodded.

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