Chapter 19: Time is Key

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Off's Pov

I opened the letter in my hand. Fearful about what's inside but still looking forward to answers I seek.

It read:


Let me start this off by saying sorry. You didn't deserve to be kept in the dark like I did to you. I left, I hurt you and maybe I don't deserve another chance but all I'm asking is one more. I can't express anything that well in this letter so I would like it for us to meet. I know I don't have any right to say this but I really miss you. I didn't have the courage to communicate with you cause I was scared but now everything has changed. Please give me one more chance to correct my wrong doings. Tonight at 9:00 I will be waiting by the old train tracks at the back of the Mall. I'll understand if you don't come there is no pressure here. Just know that I never stopped thinking about you this whole time. It may sound selfish to say but its the truth. I hope I could see you one more time even just to say goodbye. I hope you give me a chance to explain everything to you.


Just as I was done reading the letter I looked at my mom as she drives back to my aunt's house. She glanced at me and notice that I was crying. Which also took my a whole lot of seconds to realize. I looked at the time and it was 10 a.m. I'm 12 hours to late to this meet up.

"Oh no. dear what happen?"she said as she tries to pull over the side of the road to avoid any accidents while she talks to me.

"We need to go back. I should have read this yesterday. I did something stupid and now I missed him completely." I said while tears streaming at my face. My mother cupped my face to help me relax and wiped my tears.

"Tell me what happen son." She said softly.

"He told me to meet up yesterday and I totally missed it. We need to go back. I need to check on him." I said suddenly and my mom turned the car around without any questions and rushed into the said address.

"Don't worry son. Let's just try to go back and see what happens. Please text your father that we will come home late." I did as she asked and prayed that Gun went back to the place. I wanted to see him.

We drove back and it was a good thing that we haven't gone too far because it was faster to go back now.

We arrived at the front of the mall and my mother told me to get out and look for Gun. But then I suddenly remembered, he's married. I just held on to the car handle and looked outside, I hesitated and felt like I didn't wanna check if Gun had come back.

"Would you go already? You've been late for hours. You're not even sure if he's still there. Remember that you coming here was based on the tiniest possibility that he waited for you for more than 12 hours so get a move on you scardy cat." My mom said to me in a very Mom voice and it almost scared me a little. She can be very bossy but she had a very good point.

"I'll see you at Aunt's Jennies house mom. You can go without me." I asked her since I know that my mom needed time to rest too.

"Alright tell me what happen promise me. Good luck son" she yeld at me as she drove off. I went at the back of the mall directly and ran towards the train track.

As I was running towards the meeting place I bumped into another person running in the same direction. We both fell to the ground because of the impact and hit our heads with each other.

"God! That freakin hurts!" He exclaimed and then stood up immediately.

"Oh my god are you alright?" He asked while helping me out. Then I felt my head sting. Yes that would be bruised later I knew it. He held out his hands at me and I took it.

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