Chapter 2

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"I brought you food-hey! Where did she go!?" Chronostasis yelled before hearing laughter coming from his boss' room. He walked over before opening the door to see Snow upside down on the couch laughing and Overhaul not looking amused. "Boss?"
"She started laughing for no reason." Snow fell off the couch before sitting up and looking at him quietly. "What?"
"Sorry, I just couldn't stand the silence. It got you to speak." Her smile could be seen as she let out a giggle, Chronostasis placed the plate down before tapping her shoulder. "Huh? Oh, thank's not got-"
"No, it's normal food, don't worry." He looked to Overhaul before motioning to the door, they both walked out to speak while Snow ate. "We need to talk about business with Eri."
"I'll deal with her soon, just find someone to look after the girl." He rubbed his temples before clearing his throat. "Make sure it's someone trust worthy and that she-"
"What are you going to do with Eri?" Both men froze and looked to the girl standing at the door with it wide open. Her hair was tied up while her eyes showed no emotion.
"Nothing-" She cut him off again but this time she held a knife to his neck.
"Tell me, Chisaki." Her emotion was anger, making slight gas leave her lips.
"I will later, just eat and calm down." He didn't sound scared or backed down from her. He grabbed her hand and moved it before fixing his mask. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back into the room before leaving and closing the door.
Snow dropped the knife before walking about the room, her mind racing about what is going to happen to Eri and how Overhaul didn't even flinch. She kept passing until Mimic came in. She looked at him before walking to the couch and sat down.
"I'm here to keep an eye on you-" Mimic growled as Snow spoke, interrupting him.
"Do you hurt Eri here?" Her head was low, but her voice made it clear to not lie to her.
"No, we do-" A scream cut Mimic off making Snow grab her knife and run out the room. She ran past the plushie man into the hallway and to the room she heard the scream.
"Eri, it's ok. Quiet down-" The door slammed open cutting Chronostasis off. Both men looked to see a pissed off Snow, her green gas not emitting for the safety of Eri.
Her anger turned to shock then back to anger at the scene before her. Overhaul had her blood in a vial before placing it on the table. Chronostasis was making sure the straps were tight enough. Snow body ached wanting the gas to release but her mind and heart said it would harm Eri.
"Get her out of here!" Overhaul finally yelled making Snow snap out her mind.
Chronostasis went to grab her but got kicked in his side and his hair cut before being pinned down and the knife above his heart. "Boss!?"
Overhaul backed away at how fast she moved, her eyes trailed up from the ground and to his face before pushing the knife down a bit. Overhaul knew what she wanted, he handed Eri over to a guy and they took her to her room. Snow got up and placed the knife down before closing her eyes to calm down.
Overhaul went to grab her making her knife go up to his neck within seconds. Snow let out a low growl as gas finally escaped. "Snow..."
"Heh, you thought I wouldn't find out what your doing to the child." She opened her blue eyes to show how mad she was. "She's just a kid...I can't believe I actually thought on staying here."
"Snow, you must see it from my view. Eri is the key to erasing this world of the quirk plague." Overhaul went to grab her arm but pulled away after she moved it closer.
"Their is nicer ways to go about it instead of scaring and harming a child!" She stabbed the knife into the empty chair before leaving the room and out the building so her gas would leave quicker. She took deep breaths before hearing her phone go making herself groan before answering.
"Is it done?"
"No, it's harder than anyone else I killed. Your gonna need to pay me more."
"No way!"
"Then bye." Snow hung up before walking back in as the last of her gas left. She walked to Eri's room, knocking before entering the big room.
There was a bed and thousands of toys that weren't even open. Snow felt something tick in her heart making her walk over and hug Eri. Snow comforted the little girl before humming a soft tune to help relax the child more. The door opened but nobody walked in, Snow stopped hugging Eri and grabbed a toy and handing her it.
"Wanna play a game for a while before I make you some supper?" Her voice was soft and caring almost mother like towards the child.
"I...I don't know how..." Eri dropped her head making Snow giggle before lifting her by her chin.
"I never got to play with toys as a kid so we can learn together." Snow smiled before moving to the ground with the girl and opening some toys for them to play with.
Overhaul just watched from the door as the two girls played making him smile slightly and melt his heart a bit. Eri's laughter and Snow's erupted throughout the building making all the men smile as they done their work, they had never heard Eri so happy. Overhaul left the door and walked in scaring Eri making her grab onto the girl she was playing with.
"Eri, it's ok...he won't hurt you." Snow wrapped her arms around Eri before looking at Overhaul. "Will you?"
"You threatened me and Chronostasis so I'm going to say no." He looked at the toys before crouching down and picked one of them up. "Maybe you should look after Eri, that could be your job here. I've never heard her so happy before..."
"I normally by kids sweets to cheer them up but fine. Remember-"
"Yes, I know, I need to pay you."
"No. I'll look after Eri for free, I'd love to take care of her." Eri looked at the blue-eyed lady making her smile. Eri hugged into her making Snow giggle before picking her up and putting her on the bed. "I'm going to make her food; you should help then we can talk more on what she'll need."
Eri got comfy while Overhaul agreed. Snow put the toys away before leaving with Overhaul to the kitchen to make food for the little angel Snow is going to be looking after for some time.

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