Chapter 15

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Snow watched from in the trees, 1-A and 1-B training. She heard a noise and went tree to tree looking for the cause. A sigh escaped her lips when she found nothing, she went back to the kids, they have been here a few days, it was getting dark and the kids split up making it harder to keep them all safe.

Snow went deep into the forest before smelling a type of gas, mustard. She put her mask up and sealed it before leaping down and getting the kids away the best she could. She seen the person emitting the gas and drew her katana.

She ran at him but he dodged her first attack, making her hood fall. Her hair shined in the moon light as her eyes glared at him. Snow cut his arm before grabbing his head and pushing him to the ground.

"Stop your gas and live." He went to move her but her katana slit his throat faster than he could say no. "Your loss." She stood up before using her gas to evaporate the mustard. She ran along the ground before seeing ice shoot past the trees.

Her body moved on its own, towards the ice and climbed it with ease. She seen the Leauge, Compress, her main target. He held an orb, it was small and blue, Snow stood still and shouted for the kids to retreat, most didn't but some refused and went to attack.

A hard battle was drawn out until a sad sight caught her eyes, Bakugo Katsuki, a blonde male with red eyes and an explosion quirk, was caught by Dabi as they went through a portal. Snow threw her katana past the blondie and leaped after them, getting past easily and landing on the ground in front of the leauge.

"Toxic-" Snow raised up and grabbed her katana before cutting the first villain she seen, Compress.

"It's just Snow now and I'm doing a hero's job. So hand over the boy and you all live." Her tone had a slight giggle making Shigaraki move towards her and decay her katana.

"Hero work? You have gone soft." Snow slapped him before feeling his hand on her wrist, pain finally shooting through her body for once, she fell as he let her wrist go. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at him. "Decay hurts a lot more than emotional wounds, remember that."

Snow looked at her wrist, the decayed skin and tissue left her joint visable, her healing slowly doing it's job. She looked to Bakugo before to his hands where a quirk deterring thing was put over them. She rose up before taking off her mask, red gas leaked out.

"What in the world?" Snow looked to Shigaraki and smiled, more gas leaving.

"I don't know what this does, but I hope it hurts!" The gas reached Compress, he doubled over in pain screaming he was on fire. "OH! I love this gas!" Snow's smile widened as the gas went to each villain, before fading. "Awe, it's gone." Shee pouted before smiling and giggling again.

"You said you only had toxic gas!" Shigaraki rose from the ground yelling at her, Snow's eyes dulled before looking him dead in the eyes.

"Father had toxic touch, mother had healing. I guess gas, comes in all kinds, Tomura. I guess it's time I find them all out." Snow walked to Bakugo before pulling him towards her and away from the group. Kurogiri, a warp gate nomu, kept his eyes on her, she knew she couldn't leave.

"Why don't you both join us? Be free from your troubles." Shigaraki started speaking before walking closer, Snow groaned and pretended to barf, making him angry. "What is so wrong with my leauge!?"

"How much time do you have? No wait, nevermind I'll just tell ya." Snow moved Bakugo behind her before placing her mask back on and sealing it to look at Shigaraki. "You are a whiney brat that needs taught to shut the fuck up." She looked to Toga before continuing. "You wonder why people don't like you, you steal their blood and act like it's normal. Just fucking ask or give them something in return." She looked to Dabi and Spinner. "You two just reak problems. Bet one of you have daddy issues and the other is feared for his looks." Her gaze soffened as she looked at Magne
"You were turned away by sosiety for wanting to be your true self and that is a reasonable reason to be a villain, I hold no hate to you." She looked at Compress and her emotion went back to none. "Your just a huge asshole."

She looked to Shigaraki once again, his angered face proved she struck a nerve. "How dare you... HOW. DARE. YOU." He went to grab her but she stabbed his hand with her dagger before kicking him back.

"Not to mention your boss is as old as time! And your boss makes nomus to do his bidding because he is just as pathetic as you!" Just as Snow finished the wall broke and All Might came in with pro heroes, the villains escaped leaving her and Bakugo in their sights.

The pros went to grab her but Bakugo spoke up. "She protected me, she didn't help in kidnapping. Ask Aziawa." Snow looked at him, she took her mask off and bowed. "What?"

"You have gained my respect and trust, if you need help you have just to call my friend." Snow broke the cuff things on his arm before moving to the hole, and putting her mask back on. "I may be a criminal but I have saved more by killing than you have by detaining Pro Heroes."

Snow left and walked home, she heard a person follow her so she stopped and turned around, it was All Might. She looked at him as he thanked her. "Thank you for saving, young Bakugo. Who knows what the villains would have done to him."

"Don't mention it, 1-A has... they have captured my heart with their kindness and willingness to save. I hope they are alright, I had to leave after Bakugo, I don't know if the others are safe."

"They are. What did Eraserhead offer you for your help?" He looked at her as she spoke back.

"Nothing but the safety of my child if I or my team go to jail." Snow showed him a picture of Eri. "She is the reason I no longer wish to be a villain, she is my angel." All Might nodded before handing her a card.

"If you reconsider, UA could use a teacher like you." He walked off leaving her to go home. She put the card in her pocket before going to the Shie Hassaikai base. She had to tell Overhaul what happened, she looked to her wrist and seen the wound still healing. It looked terrible.

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