Chapter 24

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Snow turned around and seen the man's shadow behind the person she wanted nothing to do with. Her eyes pleaded for their help and the male noticed.

"There you are, come. Let's get you home, your boyfriend becomes insufferable when your away too long." They pushed past the person before grabbing the lady's hand and pulling her out the alley and along beside him.

"Thank you..." Snow's voice was quiet and light as she walked with them. He looked behind them to see the person scowling at them as they walked away.

"Who was that?"

"An old friend of mother's..."

"So, I basically saved your life, you owe me."

"I am not doing it."

They came to a stop as Snow looked to who saved her, her arms crossed and a glare in her eyes. He smirked before taking her hand and pulling her close to themself. He raised her chin, so they were looking directly into his eyes.

"It's only once, will you please just come?" Her eyes rolled as she pushed him away, folding her arms once again. The male's light brown hair fell on his face covering his deep brown eyes.

Snow fixed his hair before patting his cheek gently. "Destro, as much as you are a dear friend, I cannot. My job is to Kai Chisaki, yours is to a child."

"He's not that bad Snow."

"How many tantrums has he had in the past 3 days?"

"5 but that's not the point! Snow, please just hear him out." The girl shook her head before walking away. "Snow!"

"Des, thanks for saving me but I am never going to hear a whiney child man talk. If you need help you have my number."

With that said she turned the corner only to scream in fright, Overhaul stood before her, his plague mask covering his smile. She sighed before laughing and smiling at him.

"You were meant to call not message." His voice was dark, making Snow apologize before she looked back to see her friend gone. "Who are you looking for?"

"I think you scared my friend away." She looked back to Overhaul before a question popped into her mind. "Why are you out?"

"Shin is sick, Toya is out of wine and Eri told me to leave because of something I may or may not have said..." Overhaul started to walk away before Snow could even question him. She caught up and walked with him before running ahead and staring at something on a lamppost. "What is it?"

"Someone lost a pet..." Her tone changed to sadness before taking the paper off the lamppost. She showed him before pointing to the dog. "It's a collie named Demon; can we search for it? Poor pup, must be all alone and scared."

"Fine." He took the paper from her and walked along the streets searching for the lost dog. Overhaul kept peeking at Snow but came to a stop when he seen her freeze. He looked ahead before seeing why she froze; the dog was in the middle of the road. "Snow, don't-"

Snow ignored his words and ran onto the road as a car was driving closer. Her arms swooped up the dog before screeching can he heard. She looked at the driver that swerved and hit another car before walking back to her boss.

The dog cuddled into her for heat as the wind blew past. The people got out of the car and started yelling and walking towards her. Snow looked at them, she was innocent as ever holding the collie. The people yelled at her making Overhaul about to step in before it could get dirty.

"I advise you to stop yelling at my-"

"Keep out of it! She destroyed two fucking cars all for a mangy mutt!" The driver yelled at Overhaul, making him angrier but a child's cheerful scream tore them all away.

Snow handed the collie to the kid as their mother thanked her repeatedly. The drivers went silent as her boss just watched her. Snow was smiling and giggling along with the child before she looked at the mother. "Please, I'd jump off a cliff to save a pet if it meant someone's kid was happy." Her words were true, she would just to see a child smile, but it made Overhaul slightly mad.

"You are not jumping off a cliff or running onto the road." Snow turned to look at him before folding her arms. "I mean it Snow." He folded his arms as everyone slowly backed away.

"I will do as I please." Her tone was no longer cheerful but harsh as she glared at him.

"Not when you work for me. You are hired to care for Eri and that is it. Now back, home!" He regretted his words immediately as they left his lips.

Snow walked past him before walking to their home, Overhaul followed but couldn't start up a conversation or to apologize. But he wasn't the only one having problems and questions ran through his head, Snow was just as bad.

She thought he hated her for being who she was. She hated kids being upset because that was all she was, upset and scared. She shook her head before walking into the Shie hassaikai building before going to Eri and putting on a smile, so the child thought everything was okay.

"Where did you go?" The little girl's voice was sad, but Snow hugged her tightly before telling her. "Pros offered you a job?"

"I train kids now honey. I can do this and look after you okay?" Snow watched the small girl beam before going back to their baking.

Overhaul watched from the door before going to his office and talking to his boss. He wanted to know what to do, how to apologize and let Snow know she wasn't hated.

While both were separated Snow's mind raced while Overhaul's made him break. All they could think was how much they relied on each other. By the time it was for bed Eri knew something was wrong with them. She decided to leave little notes on their doors before going to her room to sleep.

Snow walked to her room and picked up the note, Overhaul already reading his a few doors down. They said the same thing 'Just apologize and hug it out.' Snow smiled slightly at Eri's idea before shaking her head and peeking at Overhaul, he was already looking at her.

She walked into her room and put the note on her desk, just as she sat down to take her shoes off, a light knock was heard on her door. She mumbled to come in and Overhaul walked in to see her placing her shoes with the rest.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I regretted it as soon as I said it..." Snow looked at him before seeing the truth in his eyes, he was beating himself up.

She sighed before walking over and hugging him. "I thought you hated me..." Overhaul wrapped his arms around her before holding her close. "I'm sorry too... I just wanted a kid to be happy instead of sad."

"Your caring, I shouldn't have gotten mad at that, and I don't hate you." He rested his chin on her head before hearing her let out a shaking breath. "Don't cry..."

"You mean what you said... Your tone never changes, and your touch was still soft. I'm not crying, I'm trying to maintain my happiness to hear what you said." He moved his head to look at her as Snow looked up at him. She was smiling as a tear went down her cheek.

He wiped it away before smiling back at her. "You've never heard some say they don't hate you?" She shook her head before moving back. "What's wrong?"

"We should go to bed..." Snow was getting the urge to do something she was scared of. He nodded before going to her door. "Goodnight Kai."

"Goodnight, Snow, if you have a nightmare come wake me, okay?" She nodded to him as he left. Snow walked to the door and closed it, unknowing to her he stayed at her door with a hand on the wood. She kept a hand on the handle before mumbling in unison with him.

'I love you'

Neither heard what the other said, only steps away from each other as Snow went to bed and Overhaul went to his room. 

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