Chapter 10

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Snow was up at dawn, she had showered, changed, cleaned her room, braided her hair in a mermaid braid and cleaned the entire base, minus the bedrooms. She made breakfast for everyone, lunch for Eri and got everything set for her first day of school.
Hekiji and Soramitsu were the first two to wake up to see everything was done. Snow gave them breakfast before checking the time, 7am. She walked from door to door knocking on it to wake up the group. Snow walked into Eri's room and over to the bed quietly before gently shaking her awake.
"Honey bun, time to get up. You have school to go to." Her soft voice got softer as Eri's eyes opened. "You can pick what you wanna wear honey, breakfast is ready for when you wanna come eat it then I'll brush your hair." Eri nodded before sitting up as Snow backed off from the bed.
"What's for breakfast?" Eri rubbed her eyes as she spoke, her sleepiness making her voice softer.
"Heart shaped eggs, pigs in blankets, fruits, cinnamon buns and pancakes that look like stars. I made them for everyone so there is a lot of each." Snow opened the door and smiled at her before leaving.
As Snow walked to Overhaul's room, she heard some men talking. She followed their voices and seen an elderly man on a bed in a coma with Chronostasis and Shin beside him. Chronostasis spotted her and glared making her back away.
He walked after her and pushed her into a room he thought was empty, he glared at her as she backed away. "You will forget what you seen, understand?" His voice was darker than usual, he eyes never left her.
"What? The elderly in a coma? No, I never seen that." Her voice wavered as she chuckled through her fear. Chronostasis walked forward making her step back. "Look, I won't say what I saw but of he doesn't get out of that coma he might die no matter how much you care for him."
"YOU DON'T TELL US WHAT TO DO WHEN IT COMES TO HIM! HE WAS OUR OLD BOSS!" Chronostasis raised his voice as it echoed through the room. But he soon backed down after a much louder voice echoed back but they didn't yell.
"Who gave you permission to raise your voice at her?" Chronostasis froze as the male came into view. "Answer me, Hari Kurono." Chronostasis went to answer but he cut him off. "No one did. Apologise."
Snow looked to him, her eyes having pent up tears. He walked over to them leaving Chronostasis backing off. "Boss, she seen him. She might ruin your plan. Yes, she makes you happier and makes sure all of us are cared for. She keeps Eri happy and safe but before she came along, we were feared, Eri always listened to us and never left her room for any reason. She just complicates things! Eri now goes to school! What if someone takes her? What if she flees!? Our mission will be compro-"
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Snow looked at the male in white as tears fell from her blurred eyes. "I get it! Even when I'm being nice...I can't do it right. I care for kids, I care for your boss, I care for this group. I screw up everything but I still show I care." Snow stepped forward as a new colour of gas escaped her mouth, teal. “If Eri flees, I will bring her back, myself. If she gets taken, I will kill who grabs her. If any of you get severely hurt, I will run over and exhaust myself, time and time again so you heal. That man, the one in the coma...if he's not taken care of properly, he will die and it will be on your hands." Snow ran out the room and to her own before locking the door and sitting with her back to it, tears leaving her eyes as teal gas leaked from her lips. "H...Huh? What's this? Teal?"
Eri heard everything, she ran to Mimic and told him while crying, she didn't want to go to school if it meant her friend was going to be blamed. Mimic tried to comfort her with Toya and Rappa.
It took an hour for Chronostasis and Overhaul to be finished their conversation and for Snow to calm down. Eri would be late if they left now, Snow put make-up on to hide her red puffed eyes and her green tinted lips. She walked out her room and to Eri before scooping her up in her arms and holding her close.
"I don't want to go, it caused you a problem..." Eri looked at Snow before frowning.
"Oh, your still going honey bunny. I'm walking you and collecting you. Now you ready, pumpkin?" Snow put her down before grabbing her bag and lunch. Eri hesitantly nodded before taking Snow's hand. "Overhaul, I'll be back later."
Snow left the building, taking Eri with her. Overhaul got his men together and warned them about making Snow cry or scared, they all agreed to never do it. Snow ran with Eri to her school, laughing and smiling along the way. When they arrived, Snow apologised for her tardiness and took the blame for it.
Eri hid behind her legs while looking at the class. Some kids started whispering, Snow looked down as the teacher just let them. They were making fun of Eri, her shyness. It angered Snow making her yell at the kids. "Enough! This kid is a precious little angel, shyness from being home schooled until now. If I hear anyone bullied her, your parents will be 'spoken' to."
The kids shut up as the teacher looked at the lady. "How dare you raise your voice to chil-"
"Oh, can it, teach. You were letting them talk about my kid in hushed whispers. If I didn't say what I did they'd still do it. Now." Snow turned her gaze to Eri and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "If you need me, just ask your teacher. She should call me so I can come and make sure your alright." Eri nodded before slowly going to an empty seat. "I'll pick you up at 3pm, honey."
Snow left the room and building. She made her way back to the base, picking up things they needed and new clothing for the elderly male she seen. She walked in to be faced with Overhaul. He took her bag before walking off, she knew to follow.
He took her to the room his old boss was in. He sat by the bed before lowering the bag beside him and looking to Snow. "Meet the boss-man. The one that took me in and practically raised me. I owe him a dept, one that I can only do if he was like this. I ordered him to be put in a coma so I could reinstate the Yakuza honour and save him. I can only heal him out of it with my quirk, he'll be okay."
"Overhaul, putting someone in a coma...that's idiotic." Snow walked over before looking to the elderly male. "I'm sure you can help him out it when your mission is done and I'm sure he'll be grateful but this...its not proper coma stuff."
"I know how to look after someone in a coma, why else would I have him in one?"
"Kai, come on. Let me fix this up a bit. I've been in multiple hospitals and most of the time I wandered from room to room. Let me do this please."
"Snow..." He got up before looking at her again. "Don't hurt him if you change the room. He...he is important."
Snow placed a hand on his shoulder before smiling softly. "Why would I harm him? He took you in and you took me in. I'll be very respectful, boss. I promise." She removed her hand before walking around and grabbing her bag.

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