Chapter 23

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After a week of explaining and showing the old boss what the improvements were. Snow was making a cake while Eri was with her telling her about their day at school as a loud bang was heard.

"Eri stay and mix the batter, okay?" Snow looked to the girl she grew to adore. Her sparkling red eyes shined as she nodded and stood on the chair beside Snow and took the bowl and mixer from her.

Snow walked along the halls before noticing some blood on the walls. She quickened her speed before stopping at the door where Overhaul, Chronostasis and a pro hero stood. She looked to her left to see Shin bleeding and his hand on the wall, then it clicked.

"Toxic Killer-" The hero went silent as Snow cut them off.

"You come into our home, injure our men and interrupt a lovely story my child was saying. Why?" Her arms crossed as she looked to the hero, they stepped back thinking gas was going to fall but none did.

"I came to bring you in... UA needs you and they cannot get a hold of your number." That pushed her over the edge. She stepped past her boss and coworker before punching the pro in the chest knocking out their air.

"YOU INJURED SHIN FOR THAT!? GET THE HELL OUT AND WAIT THERE BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND AND SNAP YOUR NECK!" The pro walked out after she spoke. She walked to Shin and lowered herself to her knees before placing her hands over his injury and closing her eyes, healing him was all she thought of even if it tired her out.

"Snow, we can take care of him-"

"Kai, my healing works faster than any damn medicine there is in this world."

"You exhaust yourself healing us." He placed a hand on her shoulder before helping her up as her quirk done its job. "We can't have you keep doing this, we'll become reliant."

"You're already reliant on me." Her soft smile calmed his nerves as she walked to the door. "Eri is baking, go help her while I go see what UA needs."

"Call me with what they need you for." Overhaul's voice turned serious making Snow look at him. She opened the door before nodding and walking out.

The white-haired woman followed the pro hero, she yet to have their name, along the deserted streets to UA. Her guard was up but her worry for the kids was all she could think of.

They walked onto UA grounds and Snow finally heard it, an explosion. She ran to the noise, the pro not far behind her. "Toxic Killer, wait!"

Snow broke the door down before walking into the hall rubbing her shoulder. The students looked at her before gasping as the pro came to a halt. The woman walked past all the students and towards the teachers, her hair bouncing with each step.

Aizawa got up and activated his quirk making her's vulnerable. She walked closer and came to a stop before lowering her head out of respect for the hero.

"What broke, Shouta." She raised herself with a smile on her face knowing fine well what it was.

"It was an explosion not a shatter, have a guess." He looked away from her, stopping his quirk and putting in his eye drops. Snow spun around and looked at the students before her eyes landed on Bakugo, the boy she saved from the villains. "Snow, we would like you to train all students here."

She looked to the principal before walking to him and speaking loud enough for the whole school to hear her. "Toxic Killer, the one taken in by Stain, entrusted to train the new heroes. Oh my, are the pros not good enough? Is there faults in their system that you seek a murderer's help?"

"Toxic Killer-"

"It's Snow, only I can use Toxic Killer as it was my name before I changed." She cut the small mouse like creature off before walking back to the door. "I have no need to train, most students here have good souls, while some I could easily squish like a bug. If I am to train, I will not hold back. There will be injuries and some worse than the other."

She stopped before looking around, and her eyes landed on a student with a burn mark over him. Her gaze went to him, his white and red hair, his blue and grey eyes, his skin with a vibrant red mark over one side of his face. She walked to him before pulling him up and gently tracing the mark, anger built in her as she recognized the boy's father on the burned side.

She let him go before walking to the door and slamming it open, rage was all she felt, her gas leaked catching everyone off guard. "Nezu, I will train these children, I will heal these children, I will teach them to push through pain and come out on top! You will pay me for this..."She turned her head to the small creature before smiling softly. "But first, I have a job to maintain."

She walked out and along the streets before finding Endeavour and tripping his tall built posture before glaring at him. Regret was all she seen, he was changing... he wanted to change and make amends for what he had done. Snow sighed before holding a hand to him, he took it, and she pulled him up.

"You're not killing me?"

"You wish to atone, so atone you shall. Send flowers to your wife, be there for your children, help your wife out of the psychic ward and take her home. Until my child's quirk is mastered, your son will have that mark. I will only do this because he will make a good hero, a strong one, a loyal and kind one." She walked away before stopping at a corner and looked back at the man who watched her confused. "But take this warning, harm any of your kids or your wife again and I will take your life."

Snow walked along the streets while Endeavour stood still and thought to himself, how would he make up for the pain he caused? Why did she let him atone? And just who was her child?

Snow messaged Overhaul what the job was before buying a few things for Eri for just leaving without a goodbye. Overhaul told her to not go and help them, but Snow mentioned if she did then they might leave the Shie Hassaikai alone. Reluctantly he told her to help them but not to give them information about their life or job.

Snow walked into a store but came to a freeze at who was in front of her, an old 'friend'. She backed away before running into an alleyway and looking for a place to hide but it was in vain, nowhere to hide and the 'friend' had caught up to her.

"Is the little girl that terrified of an old friend?"

The voice struck fear in the woman before them but a voice behind them brought hope.


(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai Chisakiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें