Chapter 14

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"Toxic Killer!" Snow sat ontop of a lamp-post while Eraserhead stood below it. "Get down!"

Snow groaned before jumping down and looking at him. "What? You called me, well the assassin number. Keep yelling and you could have people come into this street. And it's just Snow, now... I have a kid to think of, Toxic Killer is in the past."

"I need your help, the leauge-wait you have a kid? Your merciless ways and you have a kid." Aziawa took off his yellow viser before looking around the street. "Nevermind, The leauge keeps attacking my class. Their just children, your website says you will do what you can to protect all kids. You must help them."

"What am I being paid?" Snow smirked as she moved hair over her shoulder. "Heroes in training will cost a lot to protect." Aziawa growled under his breath as Snow moved closer to him. "Make it quick, I have to pick up my kid in 10."

"I'll clear your criminal charges, you'll be a free criminal." Snow laughed making Aziawa look at her confused.

"Been offered that a lot, mainly by who I go to kill. Look, my criminal file is almost the same size as All for One's that's on murder alone. I took the blame for Stain as a kid so he gets of scot free to continue his mission." Snow backed up before leaning on the lamp-post. "How about this for a deal. I save those damn kids and my girl, no matter what she does in life, never get ignored by a pro hero. I don't want her thinking pro heroes don't care, most of the ones that didn't are dead but care so much for these kids that you'd call me. If I go to jail, or if my girl's family goes to jail I...I want to know she will be safe."

Snow held her hand out to him, he took it and they shook hands. Snow smiled finally knowing Eri will be safe no matter what happens to her. Snow put her hood up and her mask on and followed Aziawa to the school where a bus waited for them. Snow looked at it and realized where they were going out of town. Snow took out her phone and called Overhaul.

"Hello?" His voice spoke through the phone making Snow walk away. "Snow? What's wrong?"

"Can you pick up Eri? My client didn't inform me I was needed today. I won't be back for a bit..." Snow watched as the students boarded the bus, Aziawa looked at her making her look away. "It's hero students... If something happens to me or you or the group, Eri gets safety... I requested that as payment. I know heroes ruin your plan but their still kids, I can't leave them to be injured by the leauge."

"Snow...come back alive. Eri needs you." Snow could hear him moving then a door opening and closing. She heard people and smiled. "I'll leave the bullets until your back, Eri won't be harmed."

"Thank you." Snow walked to the bus as the last student boarded. "I'll come back alive. I'm fast and strong, plus I have my katana and daggers. I'll be ok."

"Stop being cocky, you were ill not that long ago." His anger could be heard making Snow laugh.

"Sorry, sorry. I need to go now, bye Kai." Snow smiled as he said his farewell. She hung up before following Aziawa onto the bus, the students stared at her before Aziawa said she will be joining them. Snow lowered her hood and took down her mask before bowing. "I may be a criminal but I had a change of heart. I will protect you for the safety of my child."

"Her name is Snow, call on her if you need help." Snow sat in the front with Aziawa. She put her mask back on before putting her hood up. "They won't mind you having your hood and mask down."

"I done it out of respect, they need my trust to keep them down." The bus moved and a boy with green and black hair spoke up catching Snow's attention. She looked down the aisle at him. "What?"

"Your quirk, it's some form of toxic isn't it?" Snow nodded before noticing he was writing it down. "What form is it?"

"Gas. Are you writing it down, boy?" He nodded peaking her interest. "Why?"

"Your quirk is unique, the news mentioned you got stabbed but healed afterwards, then attacked your target with green gas. I have so many questions for you." His face went red before he spoke faster. "Only if you want to! I didn't mean to be rude!"

Snow's laugher shocked the students and Aziawa. She lowered her mask before smiling to the boy. "It's not rude. Infact my own kid asked me questions about my quirk. I don't mind sitting with you while your partner sits down here, I could answer your questions more better."

She raised from her seat before walking to him, the partner, a blue haired boy, reminded her it was dangerous to move on a moving vehicle. Snow just moved him to the front before taking her seat next to the boy.

He asked her question after question, how her quirk worked, if she needed anything for it to not harm her, if it's more than just toxic gas she can emmit. He wrote down her answers but stopped before looking at her.

"How come your quirk can heal you?" Snow looked at him before sighing and putting her mask on. She looked out the window before speaking back, her tone saddned.

"I can heal myself and others while being a danger with the gas. It takes a lot to heal others while it comes naturally to myself." She heard him scribble it down in his notebook. She looked at him before taking the pencil and putting a question mark at 'strength'. "It's came recent that my gas can change, the strength was only one type of gas no matter my rage. If I was furious it would be instant kill, if I wanted them to suffer they did. gas was green but now it can be teal and I have no clue what it does."

"Teal?" He seen her nod as she looked forward, he seen her eyes shine slightly before seeing them dull. "Are you ok?" She nodded making him look forward. A question rang in his mind. "How did you find out about the teal gas?"

Snow looked at him before remembering what caused the teal gas. She felt upset, Chronostasis didn't trust her and called her a distraction from their mission. Snow sighed before answering him. "Kid, my teal was caused from my boss and my team member arguing, my team member basically called me the reason their plan would fail. My eyes were full of tears and my heart ached. I felt like that before, with my parents but the teal never showed until now."

"It could be you feel their right..." His voice went quiet as the bus came to a stop. Snow nodded as he got up to leave with the other students.

"What's your name, kid?" He looked at her and smiled before responding.

"Izuku Midorya or Deku. It's nice meeting you." His smile made Snow smile back, she made sure her hood and mask were on before leaving the bus after the kids were off.

She looked at the forest in front of her and felt the wind hit her skin. If she used her toxic, it would have to be suddle and fall from the leaves themself. She seen the kids follow Aziawa before stepping over the railing and leaping into a tree. Time to protect some hero kids...

I might die this time...

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now