Chapter 25

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Snow woke up during the night, sweat rolling down her face as she sat up. Her breath was shaky but that didn't stop her from getting up quickly and going to Overhaul's room. She knocked lightly, a light groan and steps going to the door. Her head lowered at the annoyance her boss showed at getting up.

The door opened and Overhaul immediately noticed her shaking body. He wrapped an arm around her before holding her close, oblivious to the male at the end of the hall watching them.

"Snow, what nightmare was it?" He lead her to his bed before going back to the door and closing it. "Was it about your parents?" He looked at her as she shook her head.

"... You and everyone here... You... You all hated me." She sat on the bed before pulling her knees to her chest. "Told me to leave, that I wasn't wanted.". She was to focused on stopping the tears she never head him walk over.

Overhaul sat beside her before wrapping an arm around her and letting her lean on him. "We can never hate someone that taught us it's okay to be ourselves and you take care of us like we're on our dying breath." She looked up at him as he spoke, his gaze met hers as a soft smile went on his face. "You are impossible to hate-"

Snow hugged him tightly, making him just look at her. Her arms stayed around him as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Kai..." He let out a hm allowing her to continue. "I don't know if your just saying it so I cheer up but, thank you." His arms went around her before holding her close as she let out a yawn.

"Want to stay here?" He knew the answer but still wanted to ask. She nodded before moving from the hug and getting comfy on the bed. He lied beside her, not even a minute later she was cuddling into him with her head on his chest. "Snow?"

"Yes?" She moved so she could look at him, he fixed her hair before wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I hope you realise that nothing can hurt you here and that nobody hates you." He spoke with a gentle tone making Snow nodded and cuddle back into him. "Goodnight, Snow."

"Good-Goodnight Kai." Snow yawned before letting herself fall back to sleep. Little to her knowledge, Overhaul stayed up to keep an eye on her for a hour before going to sleep himself.

Overhaul woke up first, his door opened and closed as his boss went to his bed. The boss looked at him before looking to Snow. "Your growing a heart again." Overhaul looked to Snow before smiling softly.

"She's been through hell yet she's somehow a ray of sunshine to us all." He spoke quietly before fixing the woman's hair and looking to his boss. "She hates the Leauge of Villains, cares for us, cares for Eri and exhausts herself when someone is hurt just to heal them... I don't know what to do but I don't want her to leave."

"Tell her that." The boss took notice of Snow moving a little before walking to the door. "Let her get some more rest, I seen what happened last night."

"I will." Overhaul watched his boss leave before his phone pinged with a notification. He checked it before smiling softly, it was the lady's birthday. He sent a message to his group while keeping Snow asleep.

She cuddled closer to him, her head moving more to his neck that his chest. Her hand rested gently on his torso as she got comfy. He wrapped a arm around her and held her close, a faint smile appeared on her lips as she was deep in sleep.

After a few hours she woke on her own, sitting up and stretching. Overhaul sat up before looking to her, she fixed her hair before looking to him. "Thank you... For letting me sleep in and for hearing me out last night." Her tone was soft and gentle, making him smile.

"Snow, longs if your okay I couldn't care what we did. Spend hours talking, just cuddling or reading, longs if you felt better." He placed a hand on hers, finally noticing a small shine in her eyes as she looked at him. She leaned over before kissing his cheek and quickly leaving the room.

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now