Chapter 19

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"Boss! Snow brought someone into the base!" Mimic yelled as Snow turned to look at him and the men to her left. "It's...what is that?" Mimic tilted his head to the side at the blob near her.

"This is Mr Julian, my therapist. Yes he may be a blob but that's his quirk. I missed appointments, he was worried. Sorry..." Snow looked down before hearing her therapist speak.

"Don't be sorry, Snow. They needed to meet me at somepoint. Now, next session is next week if you are free." Snow looked at him and nodded. "I have good news though, your doing better."

"I am?" Snow looked at him, ignoring the male that walked over holding Eri. "I still have the urge to kill everything...and myself..."

"That is mainly from the pain you endured." The blob turned into a human figure and took her hand making her sigh before moving away. "Snow-"

"No, that pain is gone! I...I feel different now Julian! I actually feel emotions... I can feel pain..." Snow walked out the room, brushing past Overhaul. She leaned on the wall before sliding down towards the floor. "I finally feel loved, like I have a family."

Julian followed her making sure the men didn't follow, Overhaul watched as the male crouched down to her and gave her a hug. Snow gripped onto him before hiding her face, anger rose in him but he refused to let it show mainly because he didn't understand why.

"Snow, you have changed for the better. Your the best you, you can be." Julian moved back before placing a hand on her cheek to wipe a tear away. "Remember that, okay?"

Snow nodded before sniffling and smiling at him. "Thank you Julian...For putting up with me all these years. Even when I was hired to kill you." She got up and helped her therapist up before giving him a proper hug. "I'll see you next week, noon on Friday."

She pulled away before letting him leave. She knew the men had watched her, once her doctor left she glared at the men. They went to speak but Overhaul raised up his hand making them quiet down. Eri was placed down as Overhaul walked to her.

"Do not invite someone into my base without my permission, understand?" His eyes darkened making Snow nod and lower her gaze. "...You feel like this place is home?" Eri's eyes caught hers making her smile softly, Overhaul didn't let it go unnoticed.

"Yes. I have a kid to look after and I have you guys." She looked to the men before picking up Eri. "You all are my family, Eri here is like my child and your all her uncles."

"And Overhaul is like her dad." Overhaul looked towards Toya after he spoke, glaring at him. Snow's eyes widend as her cheeks flushed, she didn't deny anything, she just stayed silent.

"I am not a father to Eri. I am the Shie Hassaikai Boss, now get to work!" Overhaul's voice echoed making the men rush off and Snow's heart drop. Snow placed Eri down before telling her to go to her room, he seen the pain in Snow's eyes before leaving. "Snow-"

"I'll get to work." She straightend her back before looking at him, pain is all in her eyes, it never went unnoticed. "The shopping needs done."

She walked away and left the building, Overhaul sighed before feeling someone tug on his sleeve. He looked down and seen Eri, worried. "Is Snow going to be okay?"

"I hope so." He picked her up as she hugged into him. He walked to his office and put her on the couch before handing her some toys. "Eri?" The girl looked at him before he continued. "What do you and Snow talk about?"

"My toys, school, what the guys done that annoyed her, what you do that annoys her and what she does to make you happy without you knowing." Eri played with her toys as Overhaul went to his desk. He started dealing with his work while his mind went to 'what Snow done to make him happy'.

"She does things for me without me knowing?" He grabbed his paper before looking at them, they were filled out and neatly stacked. He looked to Eri before sighinging. "What does she do for me?"

"Your work. She cleans your room when your to busy with your work and she leaves snacks for you on your desk when she knows you worked past dinner. She makes sure the men don't fight, she makes sure I'm okay every day and when she sees you stressed she warns us all so we all help cheer you up." Eri lowered her toy before looking at him. "She makes sure we have all cleaned and the base is spotless so you don't break out and when anyone does something stupid, she bandages them up and right before bed she checks on everyone to make sure their okay before going to her own, when she can."

Overhaul listened before moving to beside Eri. He played games with her before realizing Snow does so much more than anyone he's met, she looks after everyone before herself.

After a few hours his door opened as Snow walked in. She looked in shock as Eri fell asleep on the couch beside Overhaul and cuddled into him. Snow walked over before placing down a small bag and looking towards them, his eyes were closed as he fell asleep not long after Eri. Snow smiled lightly before grabbing a blanket and putting it around Eri and Overhaul.

The door slammed open causing Eri to jump awake and yelp in surprise. Snow glared at the door at a very annoyed Shin. "BOSS-" His voice stopped as Snow's hand turned to a fist. She walked towards him before pushing him out. "Toya and Rappa broke the oven and microwave."

"I'll deal with it in a bit, please go tell everyone to stay quiet. Overhaul fell asleep and Eri is with him." Shin nodded before walking away. Snow took a deep breath before going back to Overhaul and Eri. Eri looked at her as tears brimmed her eyes. "Hey honey bee. It's okay, rest. I'm here,  nothing is going to hurt you."

Eri cuddled into Overhaul again before falling asleep. Snow opened the bag and brought out a teddy, a bear with black, purple and gold details and placed it on the table before moving to the desk and placing a box of cookies and two bottled water. She left the room quietly before going to the men.

She looked at the broken microwave and oven before sighing. She put her hair up before grabbing the tools she needed to try and fix them both. Snow had to fix things for years so she learned a thing or two about broken machines. As she fixed the oven, Overhaul woke up to Eri still sleeping and seen the gifts Snow left.

He took Eri to her room before hearing Snow curse repeatedly. He walked over to see why and froze at the sight of her. Covered in greace, hair a mess, body exhausted and her eyes constantly moving as she moved pieces from the oven. He watched as she sparked two part together before placing it all back together.

"What happened?" Snow looked up before apologising and telling him what happened. "Why not buy new ones?"

"I've fixed more complex things Kai, this is nothing!" Her smile made him walk over and help her up. "Sorry for the mess I'll-"

"You just shower or bath, relax a little. The guys will clean up." She shook her head before moving the oven back with difficulty. "Snow, that is an order."

"But..." She looked at him as he furrowed his brows. "Fine..." Snow huffed before seeing Chronostasis laughing. She grabbed one of her tools before throwing it at his head, hitting him perfectly. "You, Toya and Rappa can clean up! They two did destroy it and you laughed just now!" Snow walked away before going to her room to shower, she only questioned why her boss didn't want her to clean up her mess, she did make it... so why didn't he want her to?

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now