Chapter 3

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"I need to get her what?" Overhaul just looked at the list Snow gave him while Eri is sleeping. "Why does she need a tv?"
"Cartoons. Kids love them, that what I've read up on." Snow was typing away on her laptop she got from her home. "And before you ask, yes get her more various clothing than a hospital gown!"
"But-" Snow glared at him making him shut up. He walked over and sat on the couch with her before placing the paper down. "Nevermind. How am I going to pay for all of this? This costs more than what I make."
"You buy what you wanna buy her from the list, I'll pay for the rest. Hired killer pays quite well, unless its to try and kill Stain then the person just dies and I transfer their money to mine before dropping their body off a roof to make it seem like suicide." Snow started typing away at her computer before feeling eyes on her. "What?"
She turned to look at the man at the corner of the couch so he could speak. "Why do you want to die but don't do anything about it?" Snow looked at her laptop before typing away again, ignoring Overhaul's question. "Snow?"
"Ok...I do want to die but I don't at the same time. I wanna put this life behind me but all the people I helped, I just...I don't have the strength to. I mainly went for cases where people wanted abusive people murdered, I didn't get payed what I normally did for it. I felt great killing abusive fuckers just to save people. When it came from people wanting villains dead, I'd drag it out and then kill them, I'd get hurt a lot but never got killed myself." She stopped typing and looked to Overhaul. "As much as I wanna kill you, I can't. I know you'd kill me before I could even stab you and you have a kid here. I don't kill in front of children."
"You almost killed Chronostasis and I was in shock at how fast you moved."
"I will kill anyone that harms Eri, keep that in mind."
"...It's getting late, you should go rest." Snow shook her head after Overhaul requested she go to bed. "Go or I'll drag you."
"Why can't I just sleep on the couch here? I kinda need to do my work for Stain."
"What work? You've just been answering emails."
"That's the work dumbass." Snow moved from the couch and stretched backwards as her hands touched the floor. "Now can I stay on the couch and do my work?"
"Fine. How are you that flexible? Your body should be aching from what you've been through." He got up and grabbed a pillow and a blanket before looking at her again.
"Stain taught me!" A smile went on her face as she brought herself back up. "He said being flexible will help me dodge better so we trained. My body does ache but not when I stretch, it seems to feel better when I stretch." She walked over to him before taking the blanket and pillow. "I'll see you in the morning, oats and strawberries sound okay for everyone?"
"Your making breakfast now?" He grabbed some files before walking to the door.
"Well if Eri is gonna feel she has a family and is loved, your all eating together and your gonna be nice about it or I'll stab you all and not clean up the blood." Snow fixed the couch so she could sleep before sitting down. "I'll clean up the couch when I wake up too, don't worry."
The door closed with a thank you, Snow sat and kept typing away at her emails for another hour before finally feeling tired. She lied down on the couch before her mind started messing with her. She let out a sigh before lying on her side and holding herself to sleep as tears went down her face slowly.
"Boss! I lost Eri again!" Shin spoke before running around the building with everyone. "The front door is locked she can't get out!"
Overhaul walked into his office and walked to his desk mumbling to himself before freezing at the sight on his couch. "Found her!"
Snow groaned in her sleep making Overhaul go quiet as his team ran into the room. They walked to the table and couch to see where Eri was. Snow's arm was around the small girl's body as they cuddled. Eri was sleeping peacefully as Snow's eyes started to open. She looked at the men around her, fear hitting her eyes before she noticed Eri. The need for protecting and keeping Eri happy kicked in faster and taking over her fear causing a growl to emit from her throat.
"Okay, we're backing off." Chronostasis took the first step back making the other join his action. Snow tapped Eri before waking her up and sitting up with her. "Did you know Eri was with you when you were asleep?"
"No. Now why the hell are you all surrounding us?" Snow looked at them all before seeing them scram. Chronostasis explained they thought Eri escaped or got lost making Snow nod. "Eri, wanna come with me to the kitchen for oats and strawberries?"
Eri nodded making both girls get up before Snow fixed the couch and cleaned up the blanket and pillow. She closed her laptop before taking Eri to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Overhaul and Chronostasis got curious and looked at Snow's computer then turned it on to see what she was working on. Snow's emails popped up, one recently new from a client. Chronostasis clicked on it and read what it said.
"It's a client of hers...thanking her and offering more money for another job. So, she really is good at killing, we should keep that in mind." Chronostasis looked at Overhaul before clicking off and closing the laptop.
"Her clients look at her as a hero even though she kills people. It's strange, isn't it?" Overhaul spoke with a curious tone. Chronostasis nodded in agreement before leaving the room with Overhaul and joining everyone at the table.
It was neat and clean as Snow placed down their food for everyone. She placed extra strawberries down before helping Eri onto a seat and cooling her food for her. Snow sat in her seat and smiled at Eri before telling everyone to eat.
As they ate, Eri had a small smile on her face but Overhaul never touched his food. "Overhaul, come on eat. Everyone else is." Snow looked at him before seeing he had some hives. "Oh."
She got up and walked over to him before setting up a divider so he was separated from his group. "Thank you." He took his mask off to eat as Snow went to her seat and sat down.
"Oh, by the way, I'm going shopping and I'm taking Eri with me. One of you wanna join?" Snow looked at the group before they all froze as Overhaul spoke.
"Eri doesn't leave this building."
"Kai Chisaki, do not make me take down those dividers and open up the vacuum cleaner and pour it over you." She smiled sweetly before eating quietly.
"...Fine. I'll go but if I break out, you are to blame."
"Yay! Eri, we get to go shopping!" Eri smiled while Snow looked at her. "You can pick your clothing, some toys and sweets. I'll let you get anything you want; treat you like a princess."

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