Chapter 18

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Hours pass, dinner was made and eatten without Snow. Overhaul finally walked into the empty room to see a hole in the wall, a blood trail and Snow just staring at her bleeding knuckles. He walked over to her before crouching down to her height. She looked at him before looking down, tail falling flat against the ground and her ears against her head.

"Why?" She shook her head before getting up and walking to the hole. She placed her fist in it and sighed.

"It got rid of my anger..." Overhaul walked to her before pulling her back against him. He took a glove off and fixed the wall before feeling her hand on his, he looked at her before seeing her looking in amazement. Her ears perked up a little as her tail started to move. "That's the first time I seen you fix something..."

"And it interests you?" He seen her nod before looking at him, their closeness didn't bother them. "Let's get your hand bandaged." Snow nodded as he took her non bleeding hand in his gloved hand and to the room him and Eri makes bullets.

Snow followed him as he walked into the room and told her to sit, she sat on the seat as he put his glove on and started cleaning her knuckles. Her tail kept swaying but her eyes stayed on him as he worked. He was being careful, even if she didn't feel the pain, he didn't want to harm her.

They were quiet while he bandaged her hand, Chronostasis walked in before looking at them, Eri was in his hands. "Boss, it's time to make more bullets."

Eri spotted Snow's hand and stared at her before speaking. "What happened?" Snow looked at her then to her hand before looking at Overhaul for help.

"She accidently hurt herself, nothing to worry about Eri." He helped Snow up before she walked to the wall and stood. "You ready to make bullets?" Eri nodded before being placed on the chair, Chronostasis went to use the straps making Snow growl.

He backed off and helped Overhaul while Snow watched the process, Eri held back tears, it hurt Snow a lot to see her like that. Snow moved to the door before leaving and going to the kitchen to make cookies. She heard Overhaul curse making her walk back in after five minutes.

Eri was crying but Chronostasis was slightly smaller. Snow walked over and pulled the white cloaked male away from Eri while the kid repeatedly apologised. "Hey, hey. Honey, look at me." Eri looked at her, tears still falling out her eyes. "It's ok, it's going to be alright. Calm down, okay? I'm right here, your safe."

Snow watched as Eri's tears slowly came to less of a waterfall and more of a slow river. Snow smiled at her as she calmed down, Overhaul made a few more bullets while Snow kept Eri calm. Once the bullets were made Eri immediately hugged Snow, making her pick the child up and hold her close.

"Cookie time." Snow's soft voice was all Eri listened to. Snow left while the males cleaned and spoke to each other. Snow placed Eri down before making cookies again, Eri helping this time.

"She rewinded me, boss." Chronostasis spoke as Overhaul put the bullets away and cleaned the blood. "I should have strapped her down."

"Snow kept her calm, might be better if she helped while we try and see how to help you." Overhaul looked to the door as Chronostasis left.

"Her quirk is getting out of control..." Chronostasis said before leaving as Overhaulp cleaned before following and going to the kitchen.

He seen Eri eating a cookie while Snow was on her knees picking up eggshells. He walked over while telling Eri to go to her room, she listened and took a few cookies before leaving. He crouched down and helped Snow before telling her of Eri's quirk.

"So, mine did and now I can control it." Snow looked at him before getting up and placing the shells in the bin.

"She will rewind until your no longer here, it's what she did to her father and made her mother hand her to boss-man, her grandfather." He got up before sweeping up the leftover parts they couldn't pick up.

Snow froze before looking at him. "She killed her father?" He nodded before looking at her, he noticed the sadness in her eyes. "And you thought instead of comforting her, to use her as a weapon?" He seen the sadness fade and anger replace it. "HOW COULD YOU!"

Snow walked past him, not wanting to hear him speak or to see his face. She walked to Eri's room and knocked before entering, Eri was fast asleep, some cookies were on her bed. Snow walkes over and cleaned up the cookies before kissing her forehead. She sat by the bed, wondering what she should do. Leave with Eri and keep her safe and risk Overhaul going after her or Stay and let him continue his plan.

Snow sighed quietly before leaving the room and going to hers, she seen a note on her door. She picked it off carefully before opening it and reading what it said. 'Come to my office, we need to talk.' Snow crumpled the paper before walking in her room and throwing the paper in the bin. She closed her door before going to her bed and sitting down, to work away at her plushies.

Overhaul waited in his office for an hour before going to Snow's room. He noticed the paper was gone, so she had read it. He walked in to see her with the needle and tread in her mouth as she put fluff into the plushie. "Snow." His tone told her to listen but she just ignored him. He walked over and grabbed her work and moved it from her. "Snow."

"I am not going to listen to a man that chose trauma over love." She got up before reaching for her plush as she needed to sew the opening closed. He kept her work out her reach making her finally look at him. "Give it back!"

He went to speak but Snow just cut him off by asking for her plushie back, she done it each time he went to open his mouth, his anger took over and he yelled at her. "Listen to me!" His anger filled eyes looked into her shocked ones, soon the shock turned to sadness as she backed away. He sighed as his eyes softened. "Snow..."

"What? Explain." Snow looked away from him as tears filled her eyes, he knew he messed up but he continued what he wanted to say.

"Eri is the cure to the hero plauge, her grandfather hated the idea but my plan would make the Yakuza honoured and feared again instead of making people look to heroes and villains. The quirks we have, are a disease the heroic and villainious sides are just enhanced by them. Can't you see that?" He stepped closer to her, she stepped back before looking at him, tears in her eyes.

"If I didn't have my healing quirk, I would have died. If you didn't have your overhaul quirk, you'd never have found this out. If All Might and all those that came before him never had their quirks, then we'd all be lost to the villains and have no hope for a better tomorrow. If it wasn't for quirks we'd all still live in fear of leaving our homes, our minds racing with what could happen. Mugged, killed, raped, kidnapped, sold, anything bad. I'm glad we have heroes even if they done nothing for me. Those heroes that done nothing, are gone, new ones take their place and they do their job better." Tears streamed down her face, her sight becoming blurry. He stepped forwatd after lowering her work to her bed and wiped the tears away gently. "Why can't you see things from someone else's view? I stayed to help Eri and seen your point in your madness but it causes her pain."

"..." He stayed silent before pulling her in for a hug, her tears staining his black shirt as she hugged back and his arms wrapped tight around her. "...If I could use my quirk for good, how would I do that?"

"Save people. Help people that are stuck under broken buildings. The Yakuza is still a Yakuza even if they help people, they will be cared for and honered and villains will fear them. But it's up to you...your life, your choice." Snow moved from him and sat on her bed before finishing the plush and putting it to the side to sleep. Overhaul left the room, wondering what he should do now.

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now