Chapter 4

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Snow took Eri out the house with Overhaul before walking along the streets. They got stared at but Eri just held Snow's hand happily. Snow held her hand making sure she's safe before walking into a more open street. Overhaul groaned but kept up with the two girls.
A pro hero stopped them before speaking loudly to catch the citizens attention. Snow had her hair down to match Eri's while Overhaul wore his black mask. "OVERHAUL, TOXIC KILLER, YOU BOTH ARE GOING TO JAI-"
Snow started crying on the spot making the hero shut up and confused Eri and Overhaul. "Why are you yelling? Me and my daughter are just going to the mall for a lovely day as she just got out the hospital. I am not Toxic Killer and my husband isn't Overhaul. How dare you call us those villains names in front of my sweet angel?" The hero started panicking and apologising before offering what they could do. "Could you get my daughter a balloon? She loves heroes."
She wiped her eyes before faking a sniffle as the hero got Eri a balloon. They apologised again before leaving making Snow smile and wipe away fake tears and continued walking.
"What the hell?" Overhaul looked at Snow before seeing her smile.
"It got them off our back, didn't it? It also got Eri a balloon." Snow walked into the mall before going to almost every shop to buy things.
Eri looked at a dress making Snow walk over, smiling. Eri looked at her as Snow grabbed one from the rack and put it over her arm. Snow smiled down at Eri while Overhaul looked at the masks. Snow took Eri to the changing room and let her change into each outfit, supporting each one.
Eri smiled as they bought the clothing and it got put into a bag, Overhaul walked over before buying something and placing it in the bag as Snow was helping Eri put on shoes. Overhaul picked up the bag taking it as they left the store.
Eri spotted a toy in a store window before tapping Snow. "Um...can I get that?"
Snow looked and smiled. "Of course, honey. Come on, let's buy you it." Eri walked with Snow into the store to get the toy.
Overhaul waited outside as Snow and Eri walked around the toy store for toys Eri wanted. Once the toys were bought, Eri walked out with Snow to see Overhaul not there. Snow looked around before spotting a pale man with his hand inches away from Overhaul.
"Eri, stay here and don't watch, ok?" Eri nodded and went in the store before waiting for Snow to come get her. Snow ran over to Overhaul and pulled him back as the man's fingers were almost fully touching him. "Hey dusty bunny, touch him and your dead."
"Snow, my favourite killer. Kill him." The man looked at her then to Overhaul, Snow growled before stabbing the man's arm and pulling down to make a gash. "What the hell!?"
"Don't try and kill my boss or try and make me kill him. Now I am here with a little girl that needs a mother figure to spoil her rotten like the princess she is. So, try and ruin this day for her and it will be your blood I spill." The man stepped back before walking away. Snow walked back to the toy store and picked up Eri up before walking to Overhaul with the bag of toys. "Let's get her sweets then go home."
"Yeah, ok let's get her sweets." Overhaul's mind was else where, Snow had just saved him from Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains. And she called him boss. He followed before taking the bag from Snow going into the sweet store.
Snow put Eri down and walked around with her before buying her any sweet she wanted, chocolates to rock candy. Eri was in heaven when Snow treated her like an actual kid and not a prop for evil. As Eri walked about Snow looked to Overhaul to see him watching her. "Yes?"
"Sorry." He looked away as Snow moved to his side to ask why he was looking at her. "You called me boss and threatened someone for almost harming me. It's been three days."
"Eri needs me and from what I can tell you do too. Eri is a kid needing someone to actually treat her like a kid. While you clearly need a woman's touch in your base, it is as plain as a empty gallery." Snow looked to him before smiling softly. "It may have been three days but I'm still human, I still have a heart. I can notice a broken group of people when I see them."
"Broken?" He looked at her before stepping back for space. "What do you mean 'broken'? My men and I are perfectly fine."
"Okay, I'll explain it all on the way home. Eri! Time to go honey." Overhaul watched as Snow picked up Eri and payed for the sweets. They walked home as Snow explained how everyone in Overhaul's group was broken.
Once they walked in the building, Overhaul covered his mouth and mask with his hand at the mess. Snow sighed and put Eri down before telling her to go to her room. She done so quickly as Snow walked past a small broken table, a broken vase as paint on the walls. Overhaul followed before seeing his men just looking at them.
"It was-" The group spoke in unison but was cut off by an angry voice.
"I don't care who it was!" Snow's voice echoed before Overhaul could speak. Overhaul looked at Snow as the men backed away. "Clean this up! Buy new furniture and apologise to Overhaul for making a mess!" Eri ran over and hugged Snow's leg making her anger fade completely before picking her up and smiling at her. "Hi honey, what's wrong?"
"I heard you yelling..." Eri hugged into her making Snow giggle and smile before taking her back to her room.
"Come on, it's been a long day. Let's put you to bed." Snow placed Eri in her room before cleaning up the toys and their boxes and helping her into bed. "Tomorrow I'll clean in here and set up your new bed. You'll love it, I promise."
Eri went to bed as Snow walked out and helped Overhaul with the bags before sitting them in his office. "They already fear you."
"Then they done their research. My gas can kill anyone just by breathing it in, hence the need of better ventilation or open windows. When oxygen hits it, it clears away unless I'm beyond mad then if I'm outside it suuuuucks to be near." Snow placed down the bag before noticing something she didn't buy. She brought out the small fluffy jacket that was galaxy themed making Snow smile. "Aww, this is so cute!"
"Would Eri like it?" Overhaul took it from her before folding it and placing it on the couch. Snow nodded before taking more clothing out to fold and put it on the couch so they could put them into drawers easier. "...why is their so many?"
"Women tend to like having a variety of clothes then complain about having nothing to wear. Speaking of which, I'm gonna need to get my clothes and stuff from my old home and move them here...So much to do, so little time." Snow sat down before yawning and putting her hair up. "I'm gonna take a nap then I'll go get my clothes. Night."
"Night." Overhaul watched as Snow took her shoes off and cuddled onto the spare couch to sleep. He finished with the clothes before dealing with the other bags.

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now