Chapter 16

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Snow walked out her room to see Eri and Overhaul fixing a painting on the wall. She watched quietly as Eri commanded the male to where the picture was to be. Overhaul was getting angry and Eri was hiding a giggle making Snow smile.

Once Eri said it was perfect she went to her room and from what she was covered in, she was going to paint. Snow walked to Overhaul before making the picture straight. "She really does command you, huh?"

"Snow, we haven't talked since you came back, why now?" Snow looked down before being grabbed by him and taken to his office. "What happened?"

"UA... their good kids, Kai. The leauge captured one and I leaped after them to keep him safe. I lost my katana and..." Snow removed the glove on her left arm to show the decayed wrist still healing. "Shigaraki decayed my wrist a bit... It... It hurt, I felt it. It's slowly healing still, it keeps hurting everytime I move it and I didn't want you worrying but that failed..." Snow covered her wrist again before seeing a hand on hers, stopping her from coveing her wrist.

"He hurt you." Snow nodded before looking up at him, his eyes darkened making Snow grab his hand. "Snow, let me use my quirk, I'll make the pain stop and you don't have to worry about it."

"Kai, no. Let my quirk do this." He moved her to the couch before shaking his head. "Kai..." Her soft voice caught his attention. "...Don't worry. I can handle it, it just needs time."

"Snow..." He sat with her before giving in. "Fine but if I see you whince in pain I will step in, okay?" Snow nodded before looking at the paperwork on the table. "I was busy before Eri needed me... Would you like to help?"

Snow smiled before picking up some paper and reading them while he done the same. They sat in silence, it was nice. Snow lowered the paper before looking at her wrist. She felt a hand on her's  making her smile and lean towards him. Snow read the papers again, telling Overhaul what needed done, what happened or what needed to be signed off.

When it was time for bed, Overhaul bandaged her hand and gave her a painkiller so she could sleep better. She thanked him before lying down, he went to leave but heard her say no. He looked at her as she moved over on her bed. "Snow, I can't. I have work and the group will fuss again."

"Let them fuss, they'll get bored if it keeps happening. Plus you sleep peacefully and less tense on my bed." A yawn escaped her as she spoke. "And the paperwork can wait. Please Kai..."

"Why?" He walked over to her before looking at her, she looked away before turning over onto her side so she didn't face him. "Snow?"

"You keep the nightmares and the past away... I may prefer you over the plushies." He chuckled before telling her to look at him. "No."

He moved around the bed to see her face red, she quickly went to move again but got stopped by his hands. "Snow, you do help me sleep but if we become reliant on each other it could cause problems." He made her look at him, her blue eyes looking into his gold ones.

"So let there be problems. Kai, we didn't get where we are by not having any problems." He sighed before moving her over and sitting on the bed. She cuddled into him before yawning again. "Goodnight, Kai."

"Goodnight, Snow." He watched as she drifted off to sleep before wondering one question that was always in his mind. 'What is she done to me?' He soon yawned and lied down, joining her in slumber.

They woke up at 6am instead of earlier, they both needed their sleep. Snow got up before him to fix her hair, Overhaul sat up before looking at her. Her sleepy attire and messy hair made him smile, he didn't understand why. Snow put her hair up before looking at him.

"Kai? Aren't you going to get up? You have paperwork to do, don't you?" He got up before fixing his hair and walking to her.

He put her hair down before smiling slightly. "Have it down today, I know it's not what your used to but you should try different styles more often." He noticed her face turned a light shade of pink before nodding to him. "I'll see you at breakfast."

Overhaul left leaving Snow to find a style for her hair, she looked through her things before picking up straighteners. She decided to make a slight wave in her hair before changing into a black skirt with crosses on it, a black bra and a black translucent crop top. She looked at her shoes before grabbing her black platform kneehigh boots with rainbow laces.

She walked out and went to the kitchen before making breakfast. Shin walked over and helped her to cook, they made bacon, eggs, sausage, toast and a fruit salad. Shin mentioned she should have a mask to go with her outfit making her take his. She wore his mask before setting the table making him angry.

"Give it back!" Snow laughed as he got angrier, he soon chased her around the hallways, waking everyone up.

Eri walked out her room at the same time as the men did, they all seen Snow run past them and Shin following. Snow's laugher made Eri smile and Overhaul walk out his office and to her. Overhaul picked up Eri before looking at Snow and Shin before seeing Snow ducking under his arm and ran past them again.

"HAHA! YOU ARE TOO SLOW SHIN!" Snow looked back to see Shin still following her, she took the mask off before stopping at the table as the group came to eat. "Hehe, you really need training."

"How can you run in those shoes!?" Shin breathed out as he tried catching his breath. He took his mask and fixed his short, light coloured hair before putting his mask back on. "Their like heels!"

"Their called platforms and I wear them a lot, makes me feel taller and they really suit this outfit! Don't you think?" Snow spun before looking at them all, the men nodded before Eri's voice interupted her.

"I want that outfit! Please!" Snow looked at her, her red eyes bore into her blue ones. Snow shook her head saying no. "But!"

"Eri, the top I have...It's too revealing for a kid, maybe when your older okay?" Eri pouted making Snow walk over. "Honey pie, listen. I promise, when your older, you can wear matching outfits with me like this one but right now your just a kid, I don't want you wearing this stuff yet."

"But..." She looked at Overhaul, he agreed with Snow making Eri pout more. "I wanna match..."

"How about, I get you a black skirt and a black hoodie or top. Then we can match with out you wearing something inappropriate for your age." Eri nodded making Snow smile before kissing her cheek. "Now, no more talk about wanting this outfit."

"Okay." Overhaul sat her down before taking his seat, Snow took hers before looking at Eri. She was staring at Snow, more accurately, her hair. "Pretty!"

"Overhaul suggested a different style, now we match with waves." Eri's smile was all Snow needed to know Overhaul was right, a different style would be better more than just having it up.

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