Chapter 11

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Snow finally had a break, she sat in her room in peaceful silence while she worked away at another plushie. She found it peaceful, making plushies from scratch for anyone. The first one she made went to Yu, he was happy to have it so it got her thinking on making more for everyone.
The one she was working on was for Sakaki Deidoro, the plague plushie was beige and white. Snow immediately stopped when her door opened, her eyes rising up to see Eri holding flowers and Overhaul standing with her. "Huh? What's this?"
"It's Mother’s Day, Eri wanted to get you something." Snow lowered her needle and thread before smiling softly and slipping of her bed and towards the child. "She's thanking you for being a mother figure since you came here."
Snow picked up the flowers and smelled them with a smile. They were perfect. Snow placed the flowers down gently before hugging the little girl tightly. "I love them Eri, thank you." Snow kissed her forehead before smiling at her.
"You've been motherly to everyone, not just me. The flowers are a thanks from us all." Eri smiled at her making the blue orbs of Snow shine. Eri pulled away and moved behind Overhaul before trying to push him closer.
Snow stood up after picking the flowers. Her gaze landed on his arm behind his back. "Overhaul, what are you hiding?" Eri giggled before leaving making Overhaul look away. "Do I need to walk around you to find it?"
"" He held out the arm and in his hand was chocolates. Snow gently took them before raising a brow. "Eri said I should get you something, so did Yu, Toya, Shin, Rappa, even Mimic and Chronostasis told me to."
Snow looked up to his face before smirking and placing the flowers and chocolates down. She moved closer to him and made him look at her. "So, your slightly red face is just a bonus?" He stepped back making Snow giggle. "I'm sorry, it was too cute to ignore."
"Cute?" He looked at her before looking to her bed to see the plushie in progress. "That's cute, a red face isn't."
"Hey! My plushies are meant to be cute to cheer people up!" Snow folded her arms as she playfully acted angry. "You being cute is rare." She smiled before picking up the flowers and chocolates. "Thank you for the chocolates, Boss." Snow walked to her desk and placed the flowers in a vase before going to her bed and sitting back down. "Wanna stay and help or are you busy?"
"Busy. Paperwork to do as well as..." His voice trailed off making Snow's brows furrow and her eyes to never leave his.
"What is it boss? Is it the league?"
"'s...the heroes, their getting to close to the mission. I need someone to cause a distraction but everyone is busy and..." Overhaul was getting angrier as he spoke making Snow get up and leap from her bed and to his side. "It's frustrating. They'll ruin everything-"
Snow grabbed his hand making him stop. Her soft gaze turned to one of 'I got a plan' making him shake his head. "I can distract them, make them think the league is up to no good. Let me go do it."
"You'll be caught."
"I can get away. I always have."
"Kai, I am not letting heroes ruin your plan! Heroes have never helped anyone that truly needs it! They cause more problems, more messes for people like us and the citizens to fix!" Snow let his hand go before moving past him and grabbing her katana from above the door. "If need be, I will take on the new top hero, Endeavour, to buy you more time."
Snow left the base making Overhaul follow her, he didn't want her to be hurt. Snow climbed onto a building's roof and looked at the town ahead, her gaze landing on the school. Overhaul got on the roof only to see her standing with her katana drawn and her body showing determination.
"Snow..." He seen her shake her head before her katana glowed green, her toxin was eloping it. "Snow... come back home. This...isn't needed."
"Boss, it is needed. To ensure the base's safety and yours and Eri's. Nobody gets to ruin my family's mission." Snow leapt to the ground before rolling, scaring the civilians. She got up and ran from street to street before finding the fire hero she was looking for. "HEY FLAMING TRASH!"
Endeavour looked at her before immediately noticing who she was. "Toxic Killer, about time you show your face. Where have you been hiding?" Snow laughed before pointing her katana at him.
"Last seen with Overhaul but my dept to him was paid. The league kept me safe since then, they even paid me to fight you so the second hero falls." Snow dodged quickly as fire went for her. She rolled out the way before getting up and smirking. "Wow, hot shot really is trash. Tell ya what..." Snow sheathed her katana before backing off. "Catch me and I will tell you their plans, fail to then you can go suck your dick."
Endeavour ran towards her making Snow laugh and run off. The chase began. Snow climbed onto a roof before going roof to roof making Endeavour angered. The news managed to keep up, to show everyone the race between pro and villain.
Snow leaped into a alleyway as Endeavour covered the exit making Snow smirk. "Bravo number two. You can keep up with me, but I'm not afraid to get dirty." Snow hit the lid of the sewer system before smiling sweetly. "Toodles!" She went into the sewers and ran through it to the exit.
She hated the fact she smelled like shit or that she could catch something but at least the heroes focus was on the league. Snow got out the sewer before walking to her home. She froze when she seen Overhaul, she backed away before looking to the left.
"Snow, what the hell was that!?" His anger was noted but Snow couldn't care less, she looked at him before throwing over her katana.
"I done what was needed. Now I need a bath and I'd rather not go into the base smelling like this." Snow sneezed before walking off. "I'll be home soon, then you can yell at me more! And tell me how much of a fuck up I was!" She was out of sight before he could yell after her.
Sadness built up in her, she knew she screwed up and should have stayed put. Snow's eyes filled with water as she went to Stain's home, her old home. Her mind filled with thoughts that made her want to scream, cause herself pain or worse. She went for a shower before finding old clothing she left behind.
She put on a oversized hoodie and baggy fluffy bottoms before sitting on the couch and crying to herself. She hated how she just let herself lose her self control. Snow sat in silence crying before wiping her eyes and putting her hair up. She left the house before climbing onto the roof and going to the Shie Hassaikai base.
She walked in to silent halls, she went to her room and opened the door to see Overhaul holding her picture of her and Stain. Snow walked in and closed the door before he spoke. "Did you act like this with Stain?"
Snow looked down before making her way to the bed where he sat. "Yes, he'd yell at me too. My response was do it again or apologise. Stain realized when I truly care, I act with my heart and not my brain." Snow sat on the floor with her head low. She sneezed and groaned before pulling her knees closer. "Now I'm sure I have a cold. I'm so sorry, Kai...”
Overhaul watched as the braveness left her and her sadness showed. He watched as she huddled herself closer together, she sneezed again making him get up. He cleaned off her bed before pulling back the blanket and lifting her up onto it. He put the blanket over her before fixing her hair. "You have nothing to apologise for, just rest okay? I'll get you some cold medicine in a bit as well as food."
Snow nodded before pulling her blankets closer, she watched as Overhaul left the room. She's confused on why he isn't mad at her for disobeying him, she was mad at herself for doing so, so why was he? Her mind filled with questions before finally sub coming to sleep.

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