Chapter 22

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Snow woke up to yelling, her boss was raising his voice at a man she never heard from. She sat up and stretched before slipping out her bed and putting her slippers on. She rubbed her eyes before walking out her room and along the corridors before seeing Overhaul with the male he calls boss-man.

"Eri is my grandaughter and you used her as a weapon-" His yelling came to a hault as he looked to Snow. "Who are you?"

"Hm?" Snow looked at him before stretching and covering her mouth as a yawn escaped. "Oh, I'm Snow. Eri's carer, she's been getting spoiled rotten." She smiled as she lowered my hand and bowed to him. "You must be the Boss! I'll make breakfast as soon as I'm changed."

"You allowed a stranger to look after my grandchild!?" His rage went back to Overhaul as Snow rose up. Snow walked over and stood between the Boss and her boss. "Move-"

"Don't you fucking raise your voice to my boss! I was nice to you because of Eri being your grand kid but I will not stand you yelling at Kai! My boss has changed since you have been in that coma!"

"That he put me in!"

As Snow and Boss argued, Overhaul noticed a little girl peaking around the corner. He walked towards her before picking her up and holding her close in a hug. Eri looked at Snow as her grandfather yelled at the woman that took care of her. Tears weld up in her eyes before Snow felt a stinging sensation on her cheek. Eri let out a gasp as Overhaul turned around to see Snow holding her cheek with her hand while she stared at his boss.

"Snow..." Both Overhaul and Eri's thoughts were on her. He placed Eri down before running over, the little girl not far behind. A tear fell from the stunned woman's cheek as the male before her steps back, not meaning to harm her.

"Snow!" Eri yelled before hugged her leg as Overhaul glared at his boss. The men walked out their rooms before seeing Snow moving from Overhaul and Eri, her head low as another tear fell.

"I'm... fine. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll be in my room to pack, I'll be gone by noon." Snow walked away as Eri started crying, the thought of losing the woman she seen as a mother was all she thought of.

"She may not be what your used to in the yakuza but she took care of Eri, made her smile and laugh. Spoiled her for no reason, only to see her happy. The men are happy and they show improvement in their fighting. She is good for the group and you hit her!" Overhaul's fists were clenched before hearing Mimic and Snow talking.

"Don't go, who's gonna make sure were okay after a mission or bake us treats when were sad?" His voice saddend by her leaving.

"I shouldn't be here Mimic. I'm not wanted." Snow walked into her room, ignoring everything that went on in the hallway as tears fell faster. She grabbed a suitcase before starting to pack her things, leaving clothes out to change into.

Everyone went silent all that could be heard was Eri's cries. Eri's cries died down to sniffles and hiccups after a small period of time. Her grandfather went to pick her up but she ran from him and into her room, Snow had made an impression on everyone and he was seeing it in action. The minions went into their rooms while Overhaul walked to his office slowly.

The boss walked into Snow's room and seen her placing a picture of her and Eri in her bag. He took the picture and looked at it, his granddaughter was smiling brightly with Snow. He never remembered how happy she was before his coma.

"Stay, please." Snow stopped packing at his words. She let out a breath before looking to him. "I shouldn't have hit you. You make my grandchild happy, the men seem sad and I have never seen Kai that upset."

"You don't want me here, you don't trust me. Why should I stay?" Snow folded her arms as he lowered the image and looked to her.

"They need you." He spoke the truth, they had gotten used to her there. Snow lowered her hands before sighing and holding a hand out to him.

"I will stay but hit me again and I will kill you even if it hurts my daughter." He took her hand and shook before looking at her confused. "Eri, I see her as my own. I have protected her since I came here. I won't let harm come to her, she has been a brave girl and gets spoiled like a princess."

"My daughter didn't want her because she was a monster. Why don't you see ger that way?"

"Because I was called a monster, freak, thing, brat, useless and many more by my own family. Eri has been through enough and I grew attached to her. I treat her how I believe she should be treated, like the royal princess she is." Snow unpacked before motioning to an image.

The boss walked over and looked at it. Overhaul was smiling in it with Snow beside him and Eri in her arms with a crown on her head. "You got them both to get along?"

"Sorta. She is still a weapon, to stop quirks but instead of being treated like one, she get's to say enough when she is done and she gets cookies or cake or anything she wants after. She agreed to it, it wasn't forced onto her." She placed the suitcase away as he stared at her.


"If she doesn't want to make bullets she can tell him to stop. He will listen now."

Both walked out the room before going to Overhaul's office. The boss moved out the way after he opened the door, Snow walked in and he followed after. Overhaul looked up before reconizing the anger on his boss' face. Snow sat on the couch and looked at him, he sat across from her with the boss beside the woman he grew to like.

"You and my grandchild get along!?" His rage completely faded, Overhaul sighed in relief as Snow laughed.

"Yes. Snow here, managed to convince everyone, and myself, to treat her better-"

"SNOW!" The little girl ran in with tears in her eyes. Snow got up and picked up the girl before hushing her. "Spider!"

"Where?" Eri held up a tub with a spider in it, Snow sighed thinking the girl was crying, they were happy tears. Snow placed her down before taking the tub. "Awww isn't it cute. Wanna put it outside?"

"Yeah!" Eri smiled before looking to her grandfather. "Papa, is Snow allowed to stay?" The male nodded making Eri squeal and run out dragging Snow by her hand.

They let the spider free before hearing Overhaul running to them. They looked at him before tilting their heads in unison. "Snow... the boss doesn't know she goes outside..."


Snow sighed before looking to Overhaul. "Kai... We have a lot to explain..."

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now