Chapter 21

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I walked about the streets with Eri holding my hand and Overhaul beside me. He wore his black mask while the others wore random plain ones instead of their plague masks. Eri ran ahead making her hand slip from mine

"Eri!" I went to run after her but she was alread out my sight. So many people in the street for the festival. I spun around trying to see if she was around us.

"Find her." I looked to Overhaul as the men split up. He turned to me before his eyes dropped from harsh to worried. Tears filled my eyes as my mind raced, what if she got taken? What if the league go her? What if she got hurt? "We will get her back."

I looked ahead before hearing a kids voice from the crowd. "Miss Snow!" I looked for the voice before seeing a certain green haired boy with stars in his eyes. He ran over and hugged me before stepping back. "Sorry!"

"Midoriya..." He looked at me before looking to Overhaul. "Kid, meet my boss. Kai, this is Midoriya, a boy I protected." I seen Overhaul's eyes turn to a glare while Midoriya's turn to shock. "Kid, I hate to ask this but...have you seen a little girl with a horn and red eyes? She's my child and she ran of-" I heard Eri scream, one of fear. "ERI!"

I ran off away from the kid and my boss before making my way through the crowd. I moved past people just looking at the lights and knocking some down before seeing Eri. She was screaming at a firework being set off to early. I sighed before walking to her and hugging her, I felt her hug back before hearing a man clear their voice.

"That isn't your child. Kidnapper!" Their voice echoed as people walked closer, I rose up before glaring at the man that was speaking. "Step away from the child!"

"Don't you ever shut up?" I heard Eri squeal, I turned around to see a lady holding her tightly. "Get your hands off her!" She pulled her back as Eri tried to move, I felt gas leave my lips as Eri tried to escape the lady. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!" I grabbed her arms before ripping them off Eri. I picked her up before glaring at the people surrounding me.

Eri held onto me as Overhaul rushed over, my gas stopped once Eri said she was okay. I held her close before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I looked at Overhaul and smiled before hugging into him with Eri, all anger faded as he wrapped his arms around us both.

We walked around as Eri went from stall to stall wanting to see or try anything they had. I bought her a few things as well as things for Overhaul and myself. The guys had a lot of money so they bought themself things before we all went to the bridge as the night sky got darker. The men were happy, Eri was cheerful and I swear I seen Overhaul smile more than normal.

I sat Eri on the bridge ledge before leaning beside her. She was looking at the sky while I looked to the water below. We were in the park, Eri wanted a peaceful area and people were in the streets a lot so the park seemed perfect. Overhaul walked next to me as I stared at my reflection. I placed my hand on my scars before sighing softly and looking up at the sky.

"Their not scary, if that's what your worried about." Overhaul spoke softly catching my attention. I looked to him before shaking my head. "Then what's wrong?"

"The reason for my scars... it was because of pure hate. For years I thought I was never meant for nothing more than their punching bag. I escaped thinking I will never be loved or if I was anything other than a tool for other's use." I sighed before looking to Eri, her smiling face and her bright eyes made me smile. "When Stain found me he showed me love, how I am meant to be cared for, how I should have been treated. He told me my scars were my strength, I survived that hell... He could have left me that day to be taken back, to live it all again, but he didn't. He showed me the first kindness I ever saw since I was born." I looked to the sky as the stars shined and sparkled. "Thanks to him, to these scars, to my life... I met you and Eri and your group. I became close to you all and your now my safe place, my home. I wouldn't change a thing!" I smiled before feeling his hand on my back, I looked to him before hearing the fireworks start.

I watched the fireworks explode in the sky, I felt Overhaul move closer so I rested my head on his side as the sky lit up in beautiful colours. Eri moved beside me so I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. We watched the sky together as the group walked over. I smiled before giggling at Eri's amazement. I stood up and moved Eri between me and Overhaul.

The night ended beautifully, the final firework was a spiraling light. Eri wanted to have something to eat so we went home and I cooked up a lovely steak meal. Steak cooked to everyones desired taste, vegetables to make it a healty mix and mashed potatoes. I made some steak sauce for anyone that wanted it and set up the table.

I even made dessert, a lovely cake. Well small cakes, it was chocolate flavoured with caramel whipped cream and strawberries. I placed chocolate coverd strawberries on the top with some small edible flowers.

We all ate together, talking about the day and what they enjoyed the most about the festival. I smiled at everyone, they enjoyed the meal and the dessert before going off to their rooms. Eri gave me a hug before running to her room. I giggled before cleaning up the table.

"I'll clean, you should go rest. That is what the festival was for." Overhaul took the plates from me before placing them in the sink. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away before washing them. "Don't make me order you to rest."

"Kai, if I wanted to rest, I would do so. I like cleaning up after the guys, Eri and you, I feel at home...I have since you allowed me to stay and make some changes." I placed the plates on the drainer but noticed once I did, Overhaul dried them with a towel and put them away.

"You changed us all. Eri's laughter and happiness, it melted the men's hearts but you... you melted their souls." I placed the last plate before drying my hands as he picked up the plate and dried it. "We have you to thank...maybe I can wake the boss. He'd be proud to have you."

I took the plate from him before placing it with the others. "Is he scary?" I looked to Overhaul as he chuckled before smiling myself. "I can't wait to meet him, Kai." I checked the table once more before fixing the chairs. "Kai... he won't be happy hearing what you do to Eri."

"He won't be happy I put him in a coma." I walked forwards with him following. "Eri doesn't mind the treatments now... thanks to you. She gets spoiled and-"

"And she gets loved." I stopped at my door before looking at him. "Eri is my kid now Kai, if your boss will allow it, I'd adopt her properly. But she won't leave here unless I get a house and I will only do that if your boss tells me to. Nothing, not even heroes could take me away from her... or you." I opened the door before walking in. "Goodnight Kai."

"Goodnight Snow."

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now