Chapter 6

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Eri left pictures by Snow's door throughout the day, hoping when she seen them it would cheer her up. Overhaul picked them up before knocking on the door. As he opened the door to her room, he noticed her suitcases weren't unpacked but her bed was a mess and she was at her desk writing.
"Snow..." She looked at him before closing her journal and fixing her hair.
"I know, my room is a mess. I'll clean it." Snow started walking to the bed but stopped in shock after hearing him say no. "No? Overhaul, it's a mess.  I don't want to make you uncomfortable or break out." Overhaul walked to her before handing her the pictures.
"Eri drew these, she hopes it cheers you up. I took her to get paper and colouring pencils." Snow took them from his hands before looking at the pictures. He walked to her bed and started cleaning it while she smiled softly at the pictures.
"These are so cute, did you manage to get her a tv for her cartoons?" Snow placed the pictures on her journal before helping make her bed.
"Not yet. Still trying to pick on you won't want to smash in my home." He fluffed her pillows before fixing her blanket.
"Well, she's a kid, a small one won't do-Hey! What do you mean I won't want to smash!?" Snow looked at him slightly mad making Overhaul look at her calmly.
"I picked a vase for your room and it got broken within seconds. How is a TV going to be different?" Overhaul just looked at her as she dealt with her other pillow.
"It's an electronic and that vase was hideous." Snow sighed before looking down. "Thank you for leaving me be for a while. It helped me get my thoughts in order to write them down and to re think my life choices."
"Re think?" Snow looked up at him before walking to her desk and handing him a journal. "I'm not going to read your journal."
"Read it. You'll see why I wanna re think my choices." Overhaul took her journal before going to her desk and placing it down. "Kai."
"I'm not reading it, tell me why you’re rethinking your choices." He looked at her making Snow groan and sit on her bed. Overhaul walked over and sat beside her. "If you wrote it, you can tell me it."
"I don't want to be a killer for hire anymore, I wanna protect Eri and help her grow as a lady. I don't want children being scared so if I can help her, and I can, then I'm going to. If anyone emails me about an abusive person I will go and kill them for free." Snow looked at him before realized the colour of his eyes. They were mesmerising like liquid gold, she looked away before she could feel her face heat up.
"So your staying forever then?" Snow nodded making Overhaul smile slightly. "Good, Eri is happier and more vocal than ever. And my men have been happier and less annoying than usual. Not to mention I always have to tell them to clean up but now I don't, they do it without being told." He looked at her before noticing a new mark on her neck. "Did you hurt yourself?"
"No." Snow got up quickly before walking to her suitcase to start unpacking. She froze when she felt his eyes on her and hearing his steps going closer to her. "...I was straightening my hair and burned my neck?" It was an obvious lie and Overhaul knew it.
"Snow, what did you do?" Snow looked up at him, eyes apologetic. He crouched down to her height near her suitcase. "Tell me."
"I burned myself to see if I'd feel it...I didn't, hence why it's dark red. I...I wish I could feel anything hurtful." Snow unzipped her suitcase before picking up some clothes and put them in the drawers.
"I could destroy you then put you back together with more sensitive nerves-"
"You'd do that for someone you just met?" Snow looked at him before smirking.
"Your taking care of Eri after just meeting her a few days ago so what's the difference?"
"She's a kid, I'm an adult." Overhaul went quiet as Snow continued to put her clothing away. "Kai, how about you do it to just an arm so I know nothing bad will happen."
"Bad? You think I'll just kill you?" He grabbed her top from her before folding it and placing it in the drawer feeling the need to help her get this over with. "Actually, don't answer that." Snow giggled before putting the now empty suitcase beside the drawers. "You found that funny?"
"You knew I was going to say yes. Also, you get mad when some of your team calls you Kai, I do it and your fine. Why is that?" Snow placed her other suitcase flat on the ground before opening to show her weapons.
"That's a lot of weapons." Snow gave him a look making him go back to her question. "I don't actually know, I feel if I yell at you, I'll just bring back a memory."
"I've been yelled at by a lot of people, I'm used to it. Hey can I get some nails so I can hang these on the wall?" Snow picked out a katana before holding it up on the wall.
"...I don't really like things being on the walls..." Snow looked at him before placing her katana down.
"That's why this place is plain as hell! I'm putting things up like pictures and my weapons. Your picking the pictures so go to your office and start searching online for pretty images." He groaned before glaring at her. "What..."
"Nothing is being in the walls, no paint, no pictures. Their staying plain." He walked to her, his brows furrowing before folding his arms.
"No." Snow sighed before putting her katana away and putting the suitcase next to her bed. "Good." Snow walked to him before taking his mask off and leaving her room. "You are annoying me now."
He walked after her before grabbing his mask back to put it on. "It got you out my room, didn't it?" Snow seen Chronostasis braiding Eri's hair while Shin and Toya were in makeup. "Eri?"
"They played dress up with me since you were wanting to be alone." Her sweet voice made Snow giggle and walk over to sit with them. "Chronostasis could braid your hair too!"
"No, I don't let anyone touch my hair." Eri gave her pleading eyes making Snow look away to not give in. Eri started pleading her and saying they'd match making Snow sigh and look at her. "Fine."

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiWhere stories live. Discover now