Chapter 12

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When Overhaul told everyone, Snow was sick they all offered their help. They remembered when they felt just the slightest bit under the weather, she'd rush to their side with food, water, anything they asked for. She helped them get better in no time, they wanted to repay the favour.
Eri wanted to be in the same room as her but Overhaul told her no making her upset. He suggested helping make food for Snow instead, Eri gladly done so, even making pictures to make her smile.
As Overhaul walked into Snow's room, he noticed she was at her desk with the blanket around her. She was stitching again, he sighed as he placed the tray down before walking to her. "You should be on your bed."
Snow finished the stitching before lifting her head so she looked at Overhaul. "I know...but I get bored just sitting there."
"I could get you a tv." Snow shook her head before getting up and making her way to her bed. "Then what would you like?"
"I don't know, anything but a tv. Its mainly news on that." Snow sneezed before fixing her blanket on her bed. "Who made food this time?"
"Shin and Chronostasis. They made a salad for you, Eri and Toya made you a smoothie and I got you the book you requested." He grabbed the tray before handing it to her and sitting down. "I could just use my quirk, it will be better than seeing you like this."
"People are strong enough to survive colds, Kai. Long before quirks we could so this isn't any different. Give it a week and it will be gone!" Snow smiled before covering her face with her blanket.
"It has been a week. Your not any better. A common cold wouldn’t fade by now. If I can do some tests then I can find out what you have, then we can properly treat you." Snow shook her head again before taking a bite of her food. "I know, you don't want to make anyone else sick."
Snow ate while Overhaul sat by her keeping an eye on her encase there was any improvement, for the past week there was nothing but now he noticed some colour coming back to her skin. This slight change made him smile.
Once Snow was finished her food and drink, Overhaul moved the tray before helping her get comfy again. He fixed her hair before looking at her happily. "Why are you smiling?" He moved his hand from her hair and to her cheek.
"Your colour is coming back, few more days and you'll be you again." His voice was soft making Snow smile at him. "Just keep fighting this and you'll be better."
"Kai...what if you get sick from being near me?" Snow went to move away but he was faster and held her still.
"I clean after each session helping you, I won't catch it don't worry. Now, rest or your book?" He held up her requested book, The Way of Shadows.
"My book please. A few chapters then I'll sleep." He sat down and started reading to her. She lied on her side cuddling her plushies he gave her as he spoke.
He read 3 chapters before placing a bookmark and placing the book down. He fixed her blanket as her eyes started to close. "Goodnight, Snow."
"Goodnight hun." Snow fell into a deep sleep like she has had since she became sick.
Overhaul widened his eyes to what she called him, sure with her being sick she'd call him different things but it still made his face heat up and himself become flustered. He left the room and went for a shower to clean of the germs he might have gotten so nobody would catch Snow's cold.
Once he was done, he helped everyone in his base before doing his paperwork with Eri playing in his office. "How is she?" Eri's voice broke the silence making him look up.
"She is getting better, her colour is returning." Eri was happy to hear the news, he went back to work while she played.
After a few hours, before he went to his own bed, he decided to check on Snow. He opened her door to see her sitting up right with tears in her eyes. She looked at him, fear taking over her body as she moved to the edge of her bed. He stepped closer making her move further, he stopped and realized what happened. Either a nightmare or she thought she was in her old house, the one with her parents.
"Snow, I am not going to harm you." He went to her bed slowly to not scare her, she watched him closely fear still in control. "See, not going to harm you." He sat on his seat as she just looked at him.
Suddenly she shook her head and looked at him, all her colour was back, she was still ill but not as bad. "Kai?" He nodded his head before he knew it Snow moved to his side and hugged him quickly. "I... I thought they came back... I... I thought I was still there... I... I thought this was all a dream..."
He hugged her before gently rubbing along her back. He held her close as the fear left her. He didn't care about being covered in her germs or catching her cold, he only cared about making sure she was ok.
"I have you now, your okay. That life is long behind you." Snow shook her head as he spoke before hiding her face in his neck. "..." He went silent, not know how to speak after her actions.
"I want it erased...I want it gone...please" Overhaul moved her so she'd look at him, he asked what she wanted gone. "The marks... the memories... the pain... everything." She moved back to hugging him, he only hugged back, not know what to do.
"I could use my quirk but you've said no to that so many times." He moved Snow back to her bed, before sitting beside her allowing her to cuddle into him. "Snow, your scars may be memories of your pain but you must see them as battle scars. Wars you have won and lived through to get to this point in your life."
Snow looked up at him before moving closer and speaking quietly. "Their no battle scars, Kai. Their abuse and torture, nothing can get rid of them..." She looked down as his hand took hers. "Not your quirk, not someone's erasing marks...these go to far into my past for even Eri to heal. I just don't want them anymore..."
He rubbed his thumb over her hand trying to sooth her as tears came back to her eyes. He took a hold of her as he moved to lie beside her. "After we sleep, we will shower then have breakfast. Now, you need your rest."
"What if..." He moved to his side and shushed her before resting his head on hers, her ear on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.
"That's why I'm here, I'll keep them away. Now rest, please." He felt her nod before her grabbing his top and staying close to him.
Snow stayed cuddled into him as she slept, Overhaul wore his mask for a while before feeling tired himself. He took it off before cuddling into her and closing his eyes. He could tell his face was red and that his heart was beating fast but that didn't stop sleep taking over. His last thought was what has Snow done to him.

(Abandoned)Healing The Broken | Overhaul/Kai ChisakiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant