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Also this is only loosely based on what actually happened . I am so proud of how far Danielle and Stefania have both come and feel so grateful for everything they trust us with in their personal lives .

Stefs pov:

"I have felt shame because I've had feeling and romantic relationships with people of ...Both sex"
I watch as Danielle talks tears in my eyes biting tongue. This panel had been an emotional rollercoaster and as Danielle continues to talk and connect with our fans I feel so much pride for my girl.

*awhile later"

We stand up at the end of the talk and walk to the front of the stage to greet people and get photos . I keep gazing over at Danielle in her beautiful blue dress that just hugs her in all the right places and she is so happy speaking to all her fans . As she makes eye contact with me though I can see all the thoughts and panic running through her head . She just admitted something big about her personal life and I can't imagine what she's feeling right now .

She gravitated more towards me and started looking up at me and I instantly knew  what she needed . I let her initiate the hug and she buried herself into me , we fit like a puzzle piece. My favorite thing about Danielle hugs is that she hugs me with her whole body there isn't one part of us that isn't touching . "Your okay Bambina I've got you" I whisper in her ear as I pull away .

We completely ignored the the ooos and awhhs in the crowd my main focus being making sure she is okay . Once I see her calm and feel her physically relax I hug her again but we look out at the cameras .

*hours later

We finally get back to the rooms at around midnight after a long and exhausting day . "Hey Stef" Danielle says tiredness lacing her voice "ye Bambina what is it" I say looking up at her from my bag "fuck where did I put the key" I mumble "stefffff" Dani half whimpers out I know she is tired but she sounds upset "hey hey what's wrong" i say starting to get worried "well they booked us separate rooms and and and I-I just wanted to stay with you but no it's fine I guess" she says and I can tell she is spiraling "hey Dani look at me" I say lifting her chin and holding her gaze "ye good girl" I say ,I'm upset that she's upset and I can tell she's holding of tears she looks so tired and emotionally drained "you were always staying with me Bella okay your suitcase is in my room ye and I'd love to be able to find the key so we could get in" I say getting annoyed that I can get in the fucking door .

"Stef" she whispers "mmmmm" I mumble back still tryna figure out where the key is. "It's on the floor" she says pointing below my feet "aha" I say quickly kissing Dani and getting the key .

As we go through the motions of our night routine I can hear her brain running 1000 miles an hour and I know that I'm gonna have to speak to her before she sleeps .

Dani's pov;

I really can't believe I did that . For awhile all I felt was relief . Relief that people knew for sure now and that I didn't have to hold it in . I felt proud about the support I can give people and how my fans know I understand in some way .

But realistically I was spiraling and overthinking . And the only person who knew was Stefania ,  I was my my fans safe place but she was mine and I knew I had to wait till tonight for her help .

As we went through our night routine 1000 thoughts were running through my mind "what were people gonna say" "maybe it was a bad idea" "now they all know" "are people gonna hate me" realistically I knew all these thoughts were just my mind playing tricks on me and that the support and love I got today was amazing but it doesn't stop me from having bad thoughts .

"Okay baby stop whatever is going on in that beautiful head of yours stop" I hear Stefania  say to me in her soothing voice I just look over at her sat against the headboard looking effortlessly beautiful as always "come here bella" she holds out her hand for me and I take it placing a leg on either side of her lap to straddle her . We sit in silence for a few minutes as I listen to her heartbeat and my thoughts silence .

"Yano I'm so proud of what you did today" she says kissing the top of my head "really" I say not really knowing how to respond because I can't figure out how I feel "Bambina I know what you are thinking and I can't imagine how hard it was exposing yourself like that to everyone up there but just remember all the people you helped by saying those words and all the people we help in such small ways every single day for being the people we are and playing the characters we play" Stef says I'm always amazed with how she knows just the way to calm me down .

"Baby you know you may get bad comments but you also know the marina fan base will beat them all up because of their love for you . I know you've struggled with this and it's gonna be hard but I've got you and there are millions of people out their who also have you okay"  she says looking down at me "I am proud of myself , I'm gonna feel proud because it's who I am and I am proud of it I was just spiraling and wanted to just be in your arms all day you always know what to say" I decided that Stefania was right I'm proud I'm proud to represent this community and love and support it open heartedly . A wide smile spreads across Stefanias face . "My powerful badass girl" she says kissing me softly .

We sit in silence for awhile . "How are you feeling though love, you admitted some pretty tough things about your family aswell" I say remembering everything that was said today . "I'm okay I feel ,I don't know relieved like I was telling people I loved I mean it was hard but I feel like with the fans they trust us with so much of their lives that it's so easy to be open with them" she says shrugging her shoulders .

"I'm proud of you too" I say kissing her again "oh you are hmm" she says pulling away before leaning back in "lots of pride today" she says giggling . "Hopefully we can tell them about us soon and everyone else" I whisper wishing people knew about our secret relationship. "I know Bambina and they will soon okay" she says leaning in to kiss me again .

I start to grind ever so slightly on her leg before she flips me over . "Hey" I chuckle as she leans over me and turns off the light . " no Bambina no funny business tonight your exhausted and drained we need sleep before tomorrow" she says always the logical one "fine but you can make up for it tomorrow" I say pouting "morning sex is our favorite anyway" she laughs pulling my head to her chest . I run my hand up her top and leave it lying low on her stomach as I love sleeping with skin to skin contact . My head still laying on her chest listening to her heart beat . My head had quietend down and I was relaxed .

"Love you Bambina"

"Love you too beautiful"


K don't know how I feel bout this .
I literally can't imagine how Danielle felt after this but I was so proud of her and Stefania and felt so great full that they shared with us .

( i also don't know about writing smut yet I keep chickening out so maybe eventually) 

Also gonna update everyday for as long as I can I kinda enjoy writing just before I go asleep

Hope use enjoyed
Nite <3

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