Special attention

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Okay so um hii... I know ii let this story go for awhile and that was for multiple reasons
1. Was obviously my other story was my main priority and that is going really well and lots of you guys love it
2. Station 19 is not on that the moment which means no interactions to get ideas from
3. Some people have a problem with Stefanielle story's but I do respect their relationships in real in life and I genuinely just write from my imagination

I feel like I exhausted a lot of storylines so I'm posting these two that are just sitting in my drafts that really don't have a plot but I hope you enjoy anyway this one is smut and the next one is fluff .

Enjoy anyway .

Danielle remembers clearly how it all started . Her and Stefania had always been flirty , since the very first day they met . They knew it and everyone around them knew it but no one said anything .

It never went past teasing comments for the first few months they knew each other . Deep down they both were longing for one another but neither ever made a move , that was until Stefania did .

*a couple months ago*

Danielle and Stefania were both sitting on their set chairs messing and teasing eachother . They had been given out to multiple times to be quiet and calm down .

Stefania though had wanted to test a theory she had had for awhile . The brunette craved Danielle . A room could be full of a million people and Stefania's eyes would always be drawn to her blonde beauty , except she wasn't hers... yet .

Stefania had let her crush go because she didn't want to cause trouble with their work but to be honest it has gotten to the point where she just didn't care anymore .

Her theory that she had wanted to test was that of Danielle's praise kink . Danielle always blushed at compliments and praise and Stefania just wanted to push it a little further .

"Bella" Stefania said after a moment of silence .

"Mmm" Danielle mumbled focused on something on her phone .

"Will you be a good girl and get me a coffee please" Stefania said casual as ever . She watched with a smirk as Danielle's entire body flushed and she squeezed her crossed legs together.

"I-um yeah I can- yes totally" Danielle said rushing to stand up and get the brunette her coffee.

Stefania felt very proud of herself. Over the next few weeks Danielle was constantly turned on around Stefania. She was always aroused by Stefania's flirting but she had taken it to another level these last few weeks .

It wasn't until she was over at Stefania's house later that month that everything they had both ever wanted finally happened.

They were sitting close together on Stefania's couch with a glass of wine in their hands talking about anything and everything . Stefania's other hand was tracing circles on Danielle's thigh . Danielle was wearing shorts and the feeling of Stefania's hands on her skin made her wet .

Danielle couldn't understand how the brunette could make her soaking wet with just a look .

Stefania could tell Danielle was turned on by the touch , by the way she was fidgeting and squirming. She decided she was going to have Danielle tonight obviously if Danielle wanted that too .

"Are you okay Bambina" Stefania said a slight smirk playing on her lips .

"Yeah , no I'm fine" Danielle said looking down at her hands .

Stefania took Danielle's wine glass out of her hand and placed it down on the coffee table along with her own . She then brought her hand that wasn't on Danielle's thigh up to her chin and grabbed it gently making the blonde look at her .

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