Never felt this way before

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Hi guys I have one more week in school so I will hopefully be writing more frequently lol after this chapter I have posted an A/N please read it and respond thanksss .

This is an Au xx wasn't supposed to be smut but you know me at this stage so fluff and smut..... enjoy xx

Hi, my name is Danielle Savre and I have just turned 18 years old. I have a part time job in a restaurant near my house because I am away at college during the week but because of financial troubles at home I decided to get a job to support myself. My family life is not great I do not talk to my parents much as they are always fighting or not talking so I try to stay away as much as I can. I really love working in the restaurant, it is an escape for me that I never thought I could have. I really enjoy working with everybody here.

The restaurant is chilled; it is never busy but never quiet. We have a small team of staff and I happen to be the youngest. I work Saturdays and Sundays every week and during holidays. At the weekends, its usually me, Barret, Jaina, Grey and Stefania. All of them are older than me and have worked here longer than me. Barret and Grey are also in college, but they are in their third year, both turning 21 this year. Jaina's dad owns the restaurant, and she has worked here and took over for him once he retired so she is in her late thirties.

And Stefania, Stefania Spampinato. She is a gorgeous sexy Italian in which I have a massive inappropriate crush on. Not only is it inappropriate because she is my colleague but because of our age gap , she is 26 nearly 27 and 100 percent would never take notice of me but I can't help but stare at her because she is just so beautiful and when she speaks to me in that accent I completely forget how to make normal human conversation and I'm convinced she thinks I'm an idiot.

I've only been working here for around six months but in the last few weeks I can say I have gotten significantly closer to everyone including Stefania, hugging everyone when I come in and when I leave, Stefania's hugs always the ones I look forward to the most for some reason...

I start work at half ten today and I feel excited and happy because today I'm being given the chance to go on the till by myself for the first time.

Walking into the restaurant I greeted Jaina and grey before walking into the back staff room. I wonder to myself why it's so cold in the restaurant before tying my apron around my waist and walking out to start the day. I wash my hands over by the coffee machine while making small talk with Barrett. I hear someone call my name though and instantly recognize it as Stefania's voice.

"Hi Stefania how are you today" I say making small talk.
"Hi, Bella I just wanted to see if you are ready to go on till" she replied gathering up receipts in her hand and stuffing them into the cash register.
"Yes, yes I am ready whenever" I said eager to get started.
She beckons me back behind the till and I approach her cautiously.
She explains a few things to me before making me try to serve a customer myself. She stands beside me as I talk animatedly to the customer, unfortunately for me the customer had to be difficult, they and a voucher but I was never taught how to except vouchers.

I turned to Stefania and just looked at her wide eyed hoping she would understand. She just smiled her gorgeous smile at me and came up behind me. Because of our height difference she could fit perfectly around me my head just at her chest, I could only think about the one hand she had around my waist and the way her breath felt in my ear. Needless to say, I didn't learn how to except a voucher.

Once the customers were served and had walked away to find a table, I turned slowly around in her arms thanking her for helping me.

"it's no problem, Bella, that's what I'm here for let's just see how you get on today, I am sure you will do fine" she said her hand rubbing circles on the small of my back. I could feel the heat burn my cheeks as I blushed at how close we were. I'm not used to physical contact or affection as it's not present in my household, but the way Stefania instantly makes me feel safe even though I have only known her for a few months is overwhelming.

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