Chapter 69 : What to do when the past begins to haunt you...?

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Kneeling before the Bed of flowers in the greenhouse, a now three-year-old Celestia was watching the growth of one of the newest additions in fascination, bi-colored eyes refusing to move away from the flower in front of her.....

,, ..Woah......" whispered a voice beside her, the adults letting out quiet chuckles at the sight of the five boys huddled around the youngest member of the group, all of them squished between one another to get a good look at the magical plant growing before them.

,, It's so pretty..." said the boy sitting on her left, his black hair highlighted with bright blue streaks that matched his Marine blue eyes which seemingly sparkled in curiosity...

,, Yeah...." agreed the boy next to him quietly, a pair of glasses framing his purple eyes, though most of his silver hair hid away the rest of his face.

,, Are you sure the Doctors allowed this...?..." Ace nervously asked, Burgundy eyes nervously traveling to the oldest boy, who was sitting behind Celestia, holding the toddler to himself so she wouldn't accidentally fall forward, since her legs were still weak, having undergone an eight-hour session on the chair.

He pretended to think for a moment, letting his expression turn into one of concentration so that Ace gulped in fright, not wanting to know what punishment their captors would come up with once they realized a potential harmful experiment had been conducted without their approval or notice.........

Then a grin grew on his face and he replied with a simple. ,, They did."

Ace gaped, and the other four boys began snickering at the look of betrayal that crossed his face, which only made the boy grow more offended.

,, You're mean, someone ever told you that, Solly?" asked Ace, pouting as the others continued laughing at his expense.

He turned his Burgundy eyes towards Celestia, who was ignoring all of them in favor of staring at the flower that had by now finished its' growing process........

For a toddler she was oddly quiet and never smiled or laughed, only ever following the others or letting herself be dragged around by them.....

At the beginning of it, he found her weird....

What kind of toddler liked to sit and act like a statue, and could solve complicated equations that probably most Professionals wouldn't be able to work through..?... It was off-putting how quick she was in learning from her surroundings, and her watchful gaze that could send shivers down your spine did not help in the matter.

Celestia was the oddest child he had ever seen, and that was saying something concerning the fact that they all grew up under the watchful eyes of the HYDRA scientists stationed here....

Still, she was one of the final six children standing, which showed her strong nature........

And so he tried his best to interact with her just as his brothers did.... which wasn't as hard as he originally had thought.

The girl was intelligent, even for her young age, which is why she was one of the more valued members of their experiment facility, and gave her more freedom than the rest.

She used that freedom to make their stay the slightest bit more enjoyable, even if it was something as dangerous as building miniature rockets and fireworks, that actually worked might he add...

Her hands were so small, yet they were already littered with scars from all the dangerous work she did with them....

Still, whenever she was rewarded with a happy smile or saw someone using one of her machines she looked incredibly pleased, which was the closest thing to happiness you could get out of Celestia...

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