Chapter 36

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Mal's PIV

"WHAT? How far along? I mean, congrats! That's crazy!" I said. 

"Thanks. And I'm 3 months along. So I kind of need to mention it to everyone soon I guess." Said Chloe. 

"I assume so." 

"You're the only person who knows." 

"For real?" 

"Yep." She sighed a huge sigh. "Life is just insanity right now. So much going on." 

"It really is." 

We sat in silence for about a minute before we decided on going downstairs again.

After that, the rest of the day was relatively boring. I sat through lots and lots of conversations, took part in some about soccer, and when I needed a break I'd go hang out with Hayley. 

The other girls were all talking turns hanging around Morgana and watching Hayley to make it easier on Chloe. Not that she really needed to be supervised the whole time, but we just didn't want her to get her hands on any more sugar. 

At around 10:00, a lot of people had filed out. There were just a few family members left, and Sophia had made a fresh batch or cookies. Hayley was passed out cuddled into Sanchez, and Morgana was pressed up against me but pretty innocently. 

At 12:00, Chloe had put Hayley in the bed that her grandparents had for her, and Morgana and I disappeared into the other living room with the rest of our teammates. 

I found that she tended to drift more towards where Hatchy was always, which was sad to me. Not because I was jealous, but it was because she had kind of found a replacement for Lena, which I knew would never fully happen, but I could see it a little bit. 

Once everyone had gone back to the hotel, I said that we should probably get to sleep because tomorrow was going to be a long day too. 

As I stood up and stretched, Morgana came over and just hugged me. 

That's when it hit me that she got about a million hugs today, and none of those were from me. 

"What's this for?" I asked anyway. 

"I got s many hugs today, but this...this one's the only one that matters." 

Those words hit me hard.


The next day we had the actual funeral, and Morgana just cried uncontrollably. Trin hates funerals so much, so she offered to watch Hayley for the day. 

Morgana had no idea that I planned a crazy adventure for the break. 

I asked her if she wanted me to plan something fun to do, and she said she did. I think she meant going to, like, Yellowstone national park or something, because I've said I wanted to do that for a while. 

But I planned a trip to Paris, Venice, and London. 

But there was still a good 4 days until we leave, and in those 4 days she had to clean out her sister's house, which she still doesn't know about. 

So after the funeral, Chloe told her what she had to do, and she asked me to help. I said that I for sure would. 

We planned to do it tomorrow, so we could get it over with and also so we had more time if we needed it. 

But after that, I told her about our trip, and she freaked out. She couldn't wait and said that she had so much stuff back in Chicago that she needed, but I told her that we can just buy everything. 

We had both signed 7 figure contracts with Nike, so I think we'll be okay on money. 

We had gone out to dinner with most of the team, who were flying back home tonight. I got a call around 6:30 from my agent. 

He said that he needed me in Chicago tomorrow for some urgent business meeting. 

I tried really hard to negotiate with him, tried to push it back a day. I told him how I needed to be with Morgana to help her out with something, but he wasn't having it. 

He said it was really important and had to be done tomorrow. He didn't give many details, but I told him I'd be there with a sad sigh. 

I took Morgana to the side away from everyone to tell her, because I didn't want everyone to see how mad she would get. Also how much of an ass I was about to be. 

She took it great though. She understood, and she said she could do it. 

She disappeared to the bathroom about 5 minutes later, and when she didn't come back, Trinity went after her. 

After 10 minutes, everyone got concerned, but the food had come so no one bothered to check on them. 

When they finally did decide to join us again, Morgana definitely looked like she had been crying, but she looked like that constantly as of late. 

When we left, she told me that Trinity was going to go help her clean out her sister's house tomorrow because I couldn't be there. 

I just assumed she was going to wait for me to come back, but I guess not. 

I apologized again, and she told me it was really okay. While her eyes said the opposite, there wasn't much I could do. 

My Cure - Mallory Pugh/USWNT (Sequel to Attached)Where stories live. Discover now