part eleven: back for the summer

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liam owen is played by jacob elordi.

after the last day of school i had to pack all my summer things for flordia. that's right, i'm going back for the summer. just brooks and i. no parents. nate told me he would drive brooks and i to the airport. we were at the gate, and our flight on the loudspeaker. "well i better go, i'm going to miss you." i said. "well about that i was thinking. maybe we should take a break, you know cause we won't be together." nate said. my heart dropped. i was a fighting tears. "yeah. i get you. i'll see you at the white party on labor day." i replied.

after that moment i thought i would never get over nate. but truth be told, i did. i worked as a lifeguard at the beach over the summer, and met liam owen. we were assigned to the same beach every day, and we got to know each other. he told me how he's moving to the upper east side and going to saint jude's. what a coincident. we spent our days swimming with dolphins, laying on the beach, throwing house parties, going on boats and yachts. nate totally left my mind. but now i had to go to the white party. i couldn't wait to introduce liam to serena and blair. my dress for the party: "are you excited?" liam asked. "extremely. your gonna love all my friends!" i exclaimed. when we got there serena and blair rain up to me. "aspen!" they both exclaimed. "serena! blair! ugh it's been to long!" i exclaimed. "yes definitely!" serena exclaimed. "ugh! oh this is my boyfriend liam. liam this is serena, and this is blair." i said. "it's so nice to meet you both. i've heard so much about the two of you." liam replied. "who's this?" chuck said. him and nate both came up to us. "this is my boyfriend liam. liam this is chuck and nate, these will be your fellow students at st. jude's" i said. "your going to saint jude's?" nate asked. "mhm. i got recruited for football." liam said. "woah dude where are you going to go to college?" chuck asked. "harvard." liam replied. "how about we get some drinks and get to know each other?" chuck offered. "sounds good to me. aspen?" liam asked. "that's fine! ill find you later." i said. liam kissed me and i walked to go get some vitamin water. "you got a boyfriend?" nate asked. "excuse you?" i asked. "you had less than three months and you got a boyfriend who goes to st. jude's? how?" he asked. "you broke up with me remember?" i questioned. "yeah because i was going to be away from you, not because i didn't love you." nate said. "you had over two months too tell me. you couldve called, texted, sent a pidgin, but you didn't. you wanted me to sit around in the dark doing nothing?" i asked. "that's what i did." nate said. "i wouldn't get out of my bed for two weeks when you broke up with me. and now i've finally gotten over it and you want me to forget what you did to me? its going to take more than that. now i got to go." 

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