jimmy fallon

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what i wore on the tonight show: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/662944007664914277/        "man oh man it's so nice to finally meet you! and thank you so much for coming on the show! you uh, hit a home run with this album! i can't even tell you what a great job you did. we listen to it last night, you have a fantastic voice." jimmy said. "thank you so much." i said. "uh, congratulations!"  jimmy exclaimed. "thank you!" i replied. "it's amazing! i want to get down to all the details about you and about the album, and ask you all the questions." jimmy said. "what did you feel like when your album was released?" jimmy added. "yeah, uhm, it's terrifying. but i mean, it's uh, the biggest responsibility i've ever had." i replied. "yeah i bet. so where are you from?" he asked. "i'm originally from palm beach florida, i was born and raised there and then i moved to  florida in my junior year of highschool." i replied. "cool. you flew into los angeles, correct?" jimmy asked. "it was the craziest trip, because two flights got mixed up and they haven't been flying out. and i was in my gate, and my father found other transportation, to get here from new york. and i overheard this girl and she was talking about how she was gonna miss her graduation. and i just came from my graduation, so i knew i had to help. so i went up to her, and i was like, 'you don't know who i am but do you want to travel with me?' and it turned out she went to my old highschool back in florida. so it all turned out perfectly." i said. "no way." jimmy said. "so we traveled together and she's in the audience tonight!" i exclaimed. "no, you brought her here?" jimmy asked. "yes!" i exclaimed. "oh i'm so glad what a great story!" jimmy exclaimed. "oh what a great story!" i repeated. "any ways, i heard you love animals, fo you own any pets?" jimmy asked. "oh well i have my golden retriever finn whose about three years old, and then all my friends from school, blair waldorf, serena van der woodsen, and chuck bass all got me a dog for graduation because i got valedictorian. and then my lovely boyfriend nate got me one as well, so now i have finn my golden, lucky my long haired dalmatian, duke my doberman, archie my mini brownish red goldendoodle, and my brown lab hershey." i replied. "oh woah! any animals you would want?" jimmy asked. "well i've always wanted a pig named kirk, a monkey, or a capybara." i replied. "oh wow!" jimmy said. i laughed. 

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