Chapter Two

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~~Jacy's P.O.V~~

I wake up to a small ray of sun shining on my face. I get up with really bad backache. I sit up, and see pancakes and bacon in a small package on a box. I walk over to the box, and open the package. I almost drop the package because we run over a small bump in the road. I sit back down and finish my breakfast. I look down at my phone, and see that I have about 20 Twitter notifications.

@Jacylovers2981~go kill yourself.

@Jacylovers2981~whore, go back to cutting!

@Jacylovers2981~Just go fucking die already.

@Jacylovers2981~At least the whore's moving, now she has a fresh set of guys to fuck.

@Jacylovers2981~No one likes you.

@Jacylovers2981~No one will ever love a big fat slut like you.




@Jacylovers2981~Fatty, hit the fucking gym.

I feel the tears threatening to spill, but I quickly blink them away and turn off my phone. On the bright side, I can make a new start here, be whoever I want. Because No one knows who I am there. I smile, and continue on eating my pancakes and bacon. When I finish, its afternoon. I sigh, and sit on a box, playing on my phone. Tonight or tomorrow morning we should be at our new house, and I'll be unpacking all of my stuff in my room, on my floor. Our beds and dressers and everything else is already there. My parents went down to the house last week and painted for three days. They painted my room black, and I cant wait! I lean back and smile.

~~~3 hours later~~~

I open the doors and hop out. I look at the house and see that it's massive. I smile, and begin to pull some boxes out. I plug in my earbuds, and listen to music. My hair was probably a greasy mess, so I throw it into a messy bun. I look down and see my Black Veil Brides tee shirt and black ripped skinny jeans are slightly dirty. I roll my eyes, and put on my bracelets. I had to have the wire going up my back because it kept getting caught on the corners of the boxes. I took them out of the van and put them on the lawn while Ma and Pa would bring them into the house and unpack them. I was taking out my 5th box, and I looked over across the street to see a group of kids looking at me. There's 6 of them, 4 boys and two girls. Each of the boys have to be about 6 feet tall, but they all look about my age. There's a blonde one, one with curly brown hair, one with....Pink hair, and one with jet black hair, blonde in the front.

'Is he Asian?' I think to myself. Theres two other girls next to them, one with bleach blonde hair, and one with red hair. We just stare at each other. Not knowing what to do, I give them a small, slight wave. They just walk away, not even looking at me. The blonde one walks away quickly, the group behind him. I sigh, confused what that was all about, and continue on carrying boxes out onto the lawn.

When I finished, I grabbed my boxes from the living room and walked up to my floor. I smile the whole way up, and walk into my room. It's fairly big, my bed up against a wall, my desk on the other end. My dresser isn't there, and I see another door. I open it, and walk into a massive walk-in closet. I gasp and smile. The walls are red, and there's lights everywhere. I unpack, doing my bed, the desk then closet. I put my posters all over the walls. Because the walls and room is larger, I can buy more posters. It's 10:47 when I finish. I go down the hall and into the bathroom, taking a shower and changing into cheetah print pants and a tank top. I take out my eye contacts, and put on my "Big nerdy" glasses. They just have a slightly bigger square frame, and there black. I walk down stairs and see Ma and Pa are gone. I look at the coffee table and see a note. I pick it up, reading it. They went out to buy food for the house, and might not be back until early tomorrow morning. Theres still unpacked and packed boxes everywhere. I walk into the living room, and see that he set up the T.V. I sit down on the coffee table and grab the remote. I turn on the T.V, and scroll through the channels. After going through every channel, I turn on the DVR, and watch MockingJay Part One for the billionth time in a row. I sigh, Not really wanting o see it again, but not wanting to watch nothing. I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to it, expecting to see my brother, but when I open it, I see 4 familiar faces.

"May I help you?"

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now