Chapter Four

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~~Jacy's P.O.V~~




I slam my alarm clock, making it shut the fuck up. Who wants to get up at 5 in the morning 5 days a week?! Not me. I groan and get up, making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and take a nice long warm one. I get out 30 minutes later and go to my closet. it's gonna be 90 degrees out so I put on a black crop top that has the yin-yang on it with some black shorts, black vans and a jean jacket. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair, then curling it. I brush my teeth then put on my usual makeup. Light foundation, winged eyeliner and mascara. I grab my bag and a beanie that says 'FUCK' across the top. I hop downstairs and see everyone getting ready for the day. Pa rushes off to work while Ma takes JayJay to school. I grab an apple and hop on my motorcycle. I start her up, and drive off to school.

~~Time skip~~

I park my bike in the closest parking spot to the gate. The first day of senior year. I see people hugging and talking about what they did over the summer. Some jocks cat called on me, but I ignored it. I go into school and pull out my schedule. Everyone gets theirs a week in advance. I go to locker 218 and put all of my stuff in there, then gathering my math history and reading folders/binders. I walk into homeroom 189 and take a seat in the back row. I watch as the classroom slowly fills with students. The bell rings, and the teacher walks in. She looks about 20-25, blonde hair, mint green eyes. She's stunning.

'I wish I was that pretty. But instead I'm ugly, fat, horrid.' I think. I shake my head, and try not to focus on my flaws.

"Alright class, my name is Mrs.Subetchie, but you can call me Mrs.S. I'm gonna be your new Math teacher" She introduces.

"Now, I know today that we have a new student who just moved here Monday, uh, Jacy, are you here?" She asks, and I raise my hand.

"Ah, there you are, stand up and tell us something about yourself." She says. I stand up and sigh.

"Well, you already know my name. What else do you want to know?" I ask with no enthusiasm.

"Nice ass" Some kid comments.

"Thanks dickhead" I respond, looking at the kid.

"Ok, Jaxson! You know those words aren't tolerated in this school, Jacy, you may continue" Mrs.S comments.

"Where'd you move from?" A girl asks.


"Ok, I think thats all, you can sit down now Jacy" Mrs.S says, and I sit back down. Not even 2 minutes later, Calum and his group of friends walk in.

"You guys are late" Mrs.S says, then tells them to go sit back row. I curse under my breath and lean back. Blondie sees me and I can see the anger in his eyes. They all sit back row, Blondie next to me. Mrs.S Begins roll-call.






"Your hot" Mrs.S blushes at his comment.



'So thats his name'










"Is this what hell looks like?" I ask, sighing. Most of the class laughs at my question. I can feel Luke's eyes burning into my head. I look over and see him staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask, a little annoyed.

"Go fucking hang yourself" He hissed.

"Only if you buy me the rope" I smirk.

"Gladly" He turns to face the front of the class, and Mrs.S begins the lesson. I open my notebook and begin taking notes.


The bell rings, and everyone gathers their stuff and leaves the classroom. I get out of my set and begin walking to the door. Calum, Ashton and Michael walk over to the science room while Rey and Jeena go to English. That leaves me with Luke. We walk into history, and I again take the back row seat. And Luke plops his dumb ass next to me. I literally want to cry right now. The teacher walks in, and tells us about a project on 'What would the word be like if there was a WWIII.' It's due in three months. We have to work in pairs, and we have to have a Presentation, a 10 page essay each with size 11 font, 1.5 spaced, and for extra credit, a mini model of what America would look like if it lost battle with a country in WWIII. He started to call names, and who's working with who.

"May and Ami"

"Liz and Jay"

"Emmet and Teddy"

"Loura and Leena"

"Taylor and Taylor"

"Lee and Elaina"

"Luke and Jacy"

Bulling the new girl// Luke Hemmings [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now